busiest day

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The sirens blaring, nurses, and doctors runing around. It was the hospitals busiest day of the year. Mostly becuase a school had a love shooter, a huge car pile up in the highway. Elsa was currently in sugery with Jack. Removing three bullets to the chest. Twesers Elsa said. Jack gave her small bullet removing twesers. She carfully placed the bullet on a small metal tray.

Jack watched her hands work with persition, caution, and grace. She had the second removed and the third. Ok Jack the first bullet was in the quarter thigh. The second abdomen, the third upper arm near the shoulder in that order. Jack nodded. He was used to Elsa's smarts by now.

Do you know how I how I know? Umm not really Jack said nervously. It's ok you can tell by a few things how hot the bullet is, how fresh the wound is, Elsa smiled. While washing her hands. Dr. Dell you have another patice in room 23B. Elsa nodded. Hi Kylie Jack said reading her charts. I'm Dr. Dell. And that's Dr. Frost, Elsa said to the tall girl. Ok Kylie what going on, Elsa said.

Well im seven months pregnant with my baby boy, she smiled. But Kylie it says on your charts your  16. Yeah me and my boyfriend are super exited. Elsa nodded slowly.

So what seems to be the problem. I have been having a lot of pain and it's not the usual pain, Kylie said. Ok we are going to do a few tests, Jack said. Kylie nodded.

One is a drug test just so you know, Elsa said. Her eyes widened. W-why d-do I have to do a d-drug t-test?

Elsa and Jack gave each other a wired look. Because, your stomach issues, Elsa said. Um suddenly I'm feeling much better, Kylie said trying to pack up her stuff.

Elsa put her hands on Kylies shoulders. Kylie head was down.  Kylie look at me, Elsa said. Kylie looked up her eyes streaming with tears. Ok im on drugs ok is that what you wanted She yelled.

Kylie by law you can't do that, Jack said. You can't make me stop. Kylie your baby will be taken away from you, Elsa said. Kylie ground in pain.

Oh shit the baby is coming, Jack said.

(Many hours later)

You can't do this she's my child Kylie screeched. Two cops where pulling her out of the hospital. Elsa holding the new born. Please she cried as the double door swung shut.

Elsa placed the baby back in its case. It will be up for adoption tommrro, Jack said. Elsa nodded.

They went out and helped more patience.

The baby girl was adopted the next morning to a middle aged couple.

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