Chapter 5

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You stood in your room, the white dress laid on the bed in front of you. It was beautiful and intricate and looked very expensive.

Your mother and one of your friends Margaret walks into the room. She grins.

"It's such a beautiful dress" Margaret exclaimed.

Margret was a friend you had made in finishing school and the least feminist of all of the group.

"You are so lucky" she carried on "A husband, a dress. Your life is perfect!"

You nod looking in the mirror as your mother picked up the dress.

"You should look happy! Your wedding is today." she said. "You are marrying the most eligible bachelor in London. I am still living at home"

"You will find someone" you say, patting her on the shoulder. Margret was a short stocky woman the same age as you (20 years old).

You get changed into the dress and stare into the mirror. You looked beautiful.

"Let's get you to the church" your mother said and pushed you out of the door and into a carriage. You smoothed out your dress which had been slightly circled and the cartridge moved.

Your heart thumps in your chest as the carriage went further and further until it stopped outside a grand church. Outside your father stood and he smiled, taking your arm and pulling you into the church with haste.

"I am proud of you" he said. "look ahead and not at the congregation"

You nod and your father smiles brightly.

You walk with him into the main part of the church and they stare at you. You look ahead.

Mycroft watched you as you walked up to the altar. Next to him stood Sherlock Holmes.

You feel your father letting go of you and Mycroft taking your hand in his. He read your face and smiled.

The service went on as normal and it got to the vows. You both said them in turn and the priest said "You may kiss the bride"

You were looking down slightly and gently Mycroft lifted your chin to look into his eyes. He planted a soft kiss on your lips, his moustache slightly brushing your skin. You kiss back slightly and he lets go. Stroking your face slightly he drops his hand and you turn the congregation. You take his arm and he smiles. You walk together and out of the church into a carriage. Your parent's house had been set up for a breakfast celebration (according to customs).

You and Mycroft sat down and had been enjoying the food but he seemed concerned. You rested your hand on him and he looked at you.

"My mother is not here" he said simply.

You smile sadly. "we can visit her" you say.

"After the honeymoon" he whispered. He looked at you and smirked slightly.

Sherlock walked over to Mycroft and whispered something in his ear.

Mycroft nodded and smiled.

"Come let us go". He said, taking your arm he kisses your hand and pulls you towards a carriage.

"I am taking you to the Highlands" he said. "Where we may be alone for a week". He smiled. He took your face and planted a small kiss onto your lips.

"That is perfect" you say.

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