Chapter 5: The Arrival at the Casino!

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When we last left out heroes, they were confronted by a mysterious set of floating question marks! Who could this be? 

???: Now, that this chapter is finally done I can reveal my true form!

Director: And that would be...?

Shadow the Hedgehog: Shadow the Hedgehog!

Dex: *sigh* Well, what do you want?

Shadow: I came to warn you about the dangers of that Cosmic Casino.

Baus: See? I told you!

Shadow: There's an evil demon in that casino, sealed away in that casino.

Shadow: If you go to the wrong place... You just might awaken his power.

Baus: Power? I-

Fenn: *pulls out a glock* Don't even think about it.

Director: Can we just get to the casino?

Shadow: Let me save you the trouble. 

Shadow: *takes the emerald from them* Chaos Control!

The four heroes are instantly transported to the casino.

[Location: Cosmic Casino]

The Dork Brotherhood are teleported in front of the casino.

Baus: Ah, can someone get the license number of the teleport that hit me?Fenn: Wait... Where's the emerald?

The emerald teleports in, no doubt due to Shadow's Chaos Control, and bonks Baus on the head. Again.

Baus: Why does it go for me?

Director: Probably cause there's nothing in there.

Dex: Hey, guys! According to the radar, the emerald is...

Dex looks around, until he sees a mysterious-looking man sitting inside the casino. THe emerald radar pings like crazy when their eyes meet! 

Dex: 50 feet that way!

Director: In the direction of that mysterious looking man?

Dex: Yeah, where else would it b- WAIT A MINUTE!

Everyone's ears start ringing due to Dex's outburst. Except Director, who has no ears.

Baus was especially shooketh, because of his 2 pairs of ears.

Fenn: Fuckin' Christ, m80, calm down! What is it?

Dex: There's another Chaos Emerald in here...Dex: Next to the Gadget-themed slot machines!

Fenn: You'd like that, wouldn't you?

Dex: Shup up, stinky.

Fenn: Next time we play Captive, I'm sending you to Ohio.

Suddenly, Director pipes up and says something!

Director: Guys, I have an idea.

Dex: Eh? What is it?

Director: There's a high chance that there's other people looking for those emeralds. If we all go as one group to get one emerald, someone else might grab the other. If we go in 2 groups of 2, then we can get both emeralds in one go.

Fenn: Y'know, that's a great idea! But who's gonna go with who?

Dex: Let's pick straws to see who has to go with Baus.

Baus: Hey! I'm right here!

Fenn: I don't care.

Fenn, Dex, and Director all pick straws, with Fenn getting the shortest one.

Fenn: Dammit!

Baus: There's no time to mope. Let's go!

And so, the two groups set off for the two chaos emeralds.

Will our groups of heroes be successful in retrieving the emeralds? Just what is that evil demon Shadow was talking about?  Why did it take so long for me to make this chapter? Who exactly is Joe? Find out next time on the next chapter of Baus Chronicles: the Dork Brotherhood!

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