Part 1 - Underground

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All credit for Undertale goes to Toby Fox

All credit for Dancetale goes to Teandstars

True Pacifist


Serena felt the air get knocked out of her as she hit the floor. Was it the floor? She didn't know. Strangled coughs erupted from her throat as gasps attempted to regulate her breathing. A bead of sweat dribbled down her temple. Chills ran up and down her spine upon glancing at the dark hallway which stood ominously in front of her. Gripping the floor, Serena paused and looked down. She brushed her hand through the bunches of yellow flowers that were grouped up in this area.

She had been exploring the mountain near her village when suddenly she tripped over a root and fell down.

Surprised that she had gotten away with next to no injuries, Serena stood and looked around. Gazing upwards, she could just barely see the light which was the hole she had fallen down from.

"Oh no..." Serena muttered. There was no way she could climb that high, not with the risk of falling without equipment and not being lucky enough to survive. How did she even survive a fall from that high? Casting an uncertain look at the flowers, the brunette bit her lip and scrunched her brows. Did the flowers save me?

Turning around, she spotted something pink and fluffy looking. Approaching cautiously, Serena inched closer until she could tell what the objects in question were.

She sighed in relief. Just a pink bell tutu and some pointe shoes. How had they gotten here? Did they fall like she did? Bending down, Serena brought a finger out and poked the shoes. They were stiff and solid while the satin cloth wrapped around the outside reflected what limited light there was. Humming at the lack of response, the girl boldly grabbed the tutu skirt and lifted it up, her eyes scanning the ruffles and thin layers of fabric.

It didn't look like a cheap tutu you would find on Aquzon. Rather the fabric was a nice quality and it was bunched up in a way that gave it its distinct bell shape without looking tacky.

Further examination revealed that both of the items in question were old, but not worn down yet.

Serena made a split second decision and took a seat on the floor beside the items and looked at the items close up, finding that there were toe pads stuffed at the front of the shoe. Finally, some good protection. Serena thought sarcastically, rubbing the slight aching in her back. She grabbed the tutu and awkwardly put it on. This certainly was a first for her, but she was glad that the tutu drooped over. It fit nicely without much disturbing movements.

That's a nice surprise.

Blinking, Serena slipped the toe pads on her feet, feeling a slight jolt at the coolness. Then, she brought the solid shoes to her, gulping at the surprising weight. Slipping them on (with struggles), she simply stared down at the elastic band wrapping her ankle.

Pinching the two ribbons, she stared questionably at her foot. With a groan, Serena criss-crossed them and wrapped them around her ankle and leg, randomly tying a knot in the back. I think that's right? It looks like this in the movies... Wait.

With furrowed brows, she looked at the skirt around her waist and the restricting shoes. Why are these here in the first place? How come these shoes just so happen to fit me? My feet are tiny! A sigh left her mouth. Serena ran a cold hand through her black locks, easing just a little at the brushing sensation. Now isn't the time to think of this, I doubt I'll be able to find answers here anyways.

Doubt swirled in her chest but she pushed it down. She has to go through with it! There's no other way to get out other than possibly dying from climbing, so it was worth a shot, right?

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