Chapter 7

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Chimon's POV

"Dad, seriously, what are you doing here?" I grabbed Dad in the corner the moment we had arrived at the restaurant, Frank noticed us and decided to lead the group towards an empty long table.

"We missed you." I stared at him with an eyebrow raised, but he just shrugged it off and strutted his way to Papi. Sometimes, I always forget that my parents are nearing their mid-40s now.

I just sighed and made my way towards Ohm who was happily conversing with Papi. Not a minute later, frank's parents arrived with a loud shout of Dad's name with Uncle New's voice.

"Guuunnnn!!!" Dad jumped off of his seat and met Uncle New halfway, they looked like childhood bestfriends who haven't met each other for decades, when in reality, they just met last weekend.

"So, where is this son of mine who we haven't saw for almost two weeks now?" Uncle Tay scanned the entire talee and stopped at the mop of hair he knew his son owned.

"Hey, Dad." Frank awkwardly smiled and waved at his dad. Frank has not been home for two consecutive weeks for the reason that he was being lazy driving to and from.

"You crazy brat, didn't you miss your old man? Your Phii was able to visit us but you cannot?" my face lits up at the mention of Frank's older brother.

"P'Pluem is back in Thailand, Uncle Tay?"

"Yeah, he was just back two weeks ago, I guess he got super busy with his new company that he didn't pay you two a visit?" Uncle New answered as the staff brought us additional chairs for Uncle New and Tay.

"Why? You miss your crush already?" Frank blurted out, which earned a smack from me.

"What crush?!" I hysterically denied.

"Oh, I remember that you always tell Pluem that you'll marry him when the two of you grow up." Papi said without taking his eyes off the menu.

"Papi, I would like you to focus on the menu and do not add fuel to the firre!! Nanon is here!!!" I wanted to say but remained inside my head, what is it to Nanon if I had told that long long ago to Frank's older brother? It's not as if he knew that I am Mon, and as if he has feelings for me? So why am I being nervous that they were digging the past when Nanon is here?

"Chimon got a crush on Frank's older brother?" Drake asked, my hands itched to smack his head but he was across us and I am not stretchable to be able to reach his head.

"Yea, Chimon followed Pluem almost everyday when they were still in elementary school, until Pluem decided to study abroad." Dad told the table, he then asked for our order and gave it to the awaiting waitress. "Now, they only meet once a year, when Pluem is on his summer vacation. I think now, Pluem would stay for good?" Dad continued.

"Dad," I nervously smiled at him and begged him with my eyes. Dad immediately picked up my signall and gave me an apologizing eyes.

"But that was so long ago, I bet Chimon has another crush now, a more serious one, am I right, Wachirawit?" I just nodded shyly at him and he ruffled my hair in adoration, Papi only laughed at us and continued the conversation like my past crush was never mentioned.


The dinner went well, aside from the fact that P'Pluem was mentioned, nothing spectacular happened since. Dad, as usual, wanted to know more about my friends and my crush's friends. Papi was joking around together with P'Tay, who was throwing fun facts here and there, Uncle New however was busy talking to Frank aand how they want him to atleast come home once a week.

After the dinner, Ohm and Nanon excused themselves as they are now ready to go home and call it a day, all of us decided to skip the afternoon lecture to earn ourseles the most needed sleep.

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