|Sibling rivalry|

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No one's POV: Palette is sleeping in her room quietly and a few minutes later she woke up hearing her siblings fighting.She then went to the living room finding gradient and pj arguing.Palette heard sobbing from under the table she went to investigate the crying and she saw blueprint sobbing while wipping his tears."Blueprint is something wrong?"blueprint then looked at her "Gradient and pj are arguing..."He then wipes his tears again."Why are they fighting?"Blueprint responded with."It's because pj called me a mistake for accidentaly slipping on a piece of paper that was his drawing and ruining it..."After that palette went under to table to comfort blueprint."blueprint it's gonna alright..."Palette then hugged her younger brother."Try thinking about the people you care about."she then pats blueprint head trying to comfort him.Blueprint then smiles slowy and hugs her back.Then both of them hear this "Alright,Now pj,Stop trying to call us mistakes while you're a mistake yourself.And use us as a punching to bag to all of your problems."Gradient said that."YOU gradient.Waste all of you're time in you're room and not knowing how to socialized other than me,Blueprint,Palette,Mom,Dad,And lux."Pj then responded to gradient."Sometimes i'm happy that mom and dad leaved eachother but not happy the fact that you exist on this land breathing and wasting oxygen.And if i had to beat you're body i will do it in alphabetical order."Pj then punchs gradient then gradient gets up and start beating him up but then pj takes grai's leg and throw's his entire body onto the floor.then the rest of it them beating eachother.Palette then couldn't take it anymore and approaches them saying "Guys stop it please!This isn't what families do!"She then shed a tear."Families don't hurt eachother.so please...Stop fighting...."Gradient and pj looked at palette."Guy's apologize!..."Both of them look at eachother and sighed."Fine,Im sorry..."Pj said that."Ahem!Not like that!"Pj then said "Im sorry,I keep using you guys as a punching bag.Error keeps calling me a mistake and it really hurt me and i need something to stop my pain so when you guys was born i used you guys as a punching bag.I really didn't meant to affect you guys aswell..."Pj then properly apologize."Its fine pj,i understand that you we're affected by error's words and you didn't meant to affect us."Then both of them apologize.Palette is really proud of herself that she stopped a fight."Alright promise me you guys wouldn't beat eachother again.Promise?" "Promise."

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