|Have some poth 👍|

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|Was inspired by:XxBloodmoonxX|

|A/N:Goth is 15 and pal is 14 meanwhile raven is 14 (Yes they're the same age) Thats all.|

Goth's POV: i was waiting for palette to come over my house."I had a crush on her but...She's my best-friend,I can't like her.What if she doesn't like me back and rejects me?"I said to my self as i hugged the pillow waiting palette to arrive so we can hang out.

|Time skip into 10 minute's later...|

I was laying down in my bed waiting for the door bell to ring untill i heard  the door bell ring and my brother raven yell "GOTH YOU'RE GIRLFRIEND IS HERE!".I immediately blushed,"Palette's not my girlfriend!"I responded to him but i just went down stairs to take palette to my room.

Nobody's POV:Goth went down stairs and he opened the door to see palette looking pretty and blushed purple."I ship it 7w7"Raven said as he saw goth's face bushing.Goth tried to ignore raven and just grabbed pal's hand "C'mon pal lets go".Goth said stilk trying not to blush "O-Okay" pal responded to him.

They went into goth's room and found some old photo's of them when they we're only toddlers and children.Goth then couldn't take it anymore and pinned palette onto his bed,Him pinning her down and goth being the top.Of course palette was shocked and counfused "Um gothy?" palette said to goth who was a grape at this point."Palette,I'm sorry if this is so sudden but...I love you more,I don't love you in a best friend way but i love you more as best friends..." Palette was suprised she like's goth but try's to act like calm around him. "G-Gothy?..." "Y-Yeah?..." "It's okay,I love you more as a friend too..."Goth was surprised,He tought palette didn't like him back but.Surprised,She love's him back.

Goth then put palette's up making her sit down on his bed.Goth get's closer to her and the next thing y'know they we're kissing.After a few 2 minutes the kissing turns passionate and then goth take's off pal's hat and take's of his hoddie and throws it across his room and pin's palette down again.

Meanwhile raven is eating left-over food downstairs.He is wondering to himself what is goth and palette doing so he decide to check on them and he went into goth's room. "Hey pal and goth what'cha doin-" when he opened the door he saw palette and goth making out,Of course palette and goth we're suprised and embarrassed meanwhile."I'M GONNA TELL MOM AND DAD ABOUT THIS!!!"Raven said leaving the door opened and running to tell geno and reaper meanwhile goth is chasing raven while yelling "RAVEN DON'T YOU DARE!!!"This leaves palette who was in the bed curling up into a ball thinking what just happened.Eventually raven went into geno and reaper "Oh mom dad goth made out with-" Before raven could finish what he was saying goth yelling "NO DON'T" he tought he stopped raven from telling them but raven said it anyway "Goth and pal was making out!".This made goth wanting to scream so badly but he tries to calm himself down "Aww,I'm so proud of my son!It remind's me when we first made out geno!"Reaper said "Shut up reaper." Geno being flustered and annoyed.

Palette then goes downstair and not seeing geno and reaper mad. "Wait,You're not mad?"Palette said a little counfused. "Of course not!Why would i be mad at my son getting his first time making out?"Reaper responded,Meanwhile geno said "To be honest i don't really care if my son get's a girlfriend or boyfriend,Aslong you're not hurting him tho." so raven plan's was unsuccessful but he still told them.

And that's how Reaper and geno knew goth had loved palette.

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