Crebain From Dunland

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"The Ring Bearer is setting out on a quest to Mount Doom." Elrond said. "And you that travel with him, No oath nor bond is laid to go further then you will." Tamina looked at her brother, she noticed him staring at Arwen with a smile on his face.
"Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll," she thought stretching the word. "It could be the last time they ever saw each other so I'll not tease him..............Maybe." She thought with a  devilish smile.
"Farewell, hold to your purpose. And may the blessings of Elves." Elrond looked at Legolas. "And Men  go with you. And all Free Folk go with you."
Elrond gestured.
"The Fellowship awaits The Ring Bearer." Gandalf said.
Frodo turned he had a sad, determined, and lost look on his face. He walked past them all under the weathered pillars and whispered to Gandalf.
"Mordor, is it left or right?" Tamina was fairly certain she was the only one besides Legolas to hear the words. They brought a smile to her face.
"Such dedication and courage, he takes a quest to destroy The Ring and doesn't even know where Mordor is."
Gandalf hesitated for a moment then said.
They all followed, but Tamina and Aragon hesitated for a moment. Aragon looked back at Arwen, her old friend looked like she was going to cry Aragon inclined his head slightly and turned and walked away swiftly. Tamina caught up to him and when they were a fair distance away from Imladris she said.
"So when is your wedding." Aragon didn't say his usual snappy reply saying instead sadly.
"Probably never."
"Ouch that's grim." Tamina thought.


The Fellowship had traveled through forests, and over wide plains, and hills. It was well after midday when Gandalf let them rest. They were on a hilltop crowned by giant stones and surveyed the wide plains around them.
Tamina set her bag down all she could was open plains and the silhouette of a high snow laden mountain behind her.
"Why did Gandalf bring us here?" She wondered as she turned in a slow circle, wind tossing her braid about. There was the sound of flint and steel behind her, she glanced back to see Sam finishing lighting a fire. It slowly took hold crackling as it happily consumed the wood.
Tamina looked around to see what the others were doing: Gandalf was looking at a map mumbling to himself. Gimli sat near my him staring at the ground before him. Legolas was staring at the sky searching the horizon. Sam was cooking. Frodo was staring off listlessly thinking. Boromir was teaching Pippin and Merry sword fighting. While Aragon watched them drawing on his pipe. Tamina walked over and sat next to her brother staring at the hobbits.
The two hobbits had there sword held high as Boromir taught them the basics at that moment. Pippin was slashing at him with vigor. Merry was watching from the side. To make it a bit less one-sided Boromir called out his next moves.
"Two, one, five. Good. Very good." 
Aragon barked something out of the side of his pipe.
"Move your feet!"
Pippin slowly improved earning him from Tamina.
"Good job, Pip."
He replied slightly out of breath.
Tamina heard Gandalf and Gimli arguing, her ears tilted around to catch the sound better. Gimli was obviously not happy they were taking the long way.
"If anyone was to ask of my opinion, which I note there not, I'd say were taking the long way around. Gandalf, we could pass through The Mines of Moria. My cousin, Balin, would give us a royal welcome."
Gandalf then responded in a serious tone.
"No Gimli, I will not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice."
Tamina turned her attention back to dueling hobbits and man from the argument, but every once in a while she noticed her eyes flickering over to an elf and that feeling would stir.
"NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!" She thought forcefully. "WE COULD DIE HERE! THIS IS NO PLACE FOR LOVE! WAIT WHY DID I THINK THAT?! I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH HIM RIGHT?!" She nearly screamed at herself.
Then her angry tirade was interrupted by a cry of pain from Pippin apparently Boromir had nicked his hand. "Boromir your fate is sealed." She thought with a faint smile as Pippin kicked him in the shin, Merry dove in to help. They yelled.
"For The Shire!"
They jumped at Boromir as Merry yelled.
"Get him!"
Tamina joined in with the shrieking desperate to avert her thoughts from Legolas.
"Hold him down".
Aragon then stood to help his friend as the hobbits were not light but rather heavy those many meals made sure of it. But the Halfling pulled him down as well. But Tamina wasn't laughing she was staring at the look of horror of Legolas face Sam asked.
"What is it?" 
Gimli responded before Legolas.
"Nothing, its just a whiff of cloud."
Boromir standing up said.
"Its moving fast......Against the wind."
But the elf shouted out.
"Crebain from Dunland."
Everyone started scrambling in every direction. Sam quickly put out the fire, Tamina and Boromir collected all the things the Crebain might see. They left Bill out in the open hoping as he didn't have any packs that he would appear wild.
Tamina dove under a small lip of rock with Aragon and Frodo. They waited.
Suddenly the sky darkened and all they could hear was the flap of wings and of cawing. They circled the hilltop again and again for what it seem like forever before flying back to however was their master.
The Fellowship came out of their various hiding places and Gandalf said.
"Spies of Saruman! The passage South is being watched. We must take the Path of Caradhras."
He pointed his staff at the tall mountain behind them.
The Fellowship began to ascend the Snowy Mountain.

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