Chapter 4

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I knew which store she was heading to as soon as I inhaled that signature sandalwood scent. Abercrombie. One of the most expensive, overly hyped stores I'd ever been to. I looked at Kelly with a 'why' plastered on my face, and she ignored my dismayed expression, entering anyway.

"I just want to look at their new swimsuits. Their tops really compliment my tittyless frame," I died with laughter as we made our way to the swimsuit section. Swimsuits filled the center room, giving it a Caribbean vibe. I looked to the ceiling, and somehow they had suspended a canoe there. I made a mental note to stay away from the center of the room. I valued my life too much. "Wait, didn't the flyer say it was a pool slash beach party?" Kelly asked, touching a bright yellow bandeau top.

"Let me check," I mumbled while I scrolled through my photos. I stopped on the disaster of a flyer Vanessa gave me and zoomed in. "Yeah, it's supposed to be on the beach. There's gonna be a bonfire later that night," I answered. My phone vibrated, and the screen flashed with a number I assumed was from River.

Maybe River: Hey, it's River. Henry and I are going out to eat before the party. You can join us if you want! :)

Reply: Okay. I'm bringing my friend Kelly. See you guys there!

"Nice, I was thinking of getting a new swimsuit cover," Kelly murmured, "Are you getting a new one too?" she asked, turning to me. She noticed my texting and paused, "wait, did you get their numbers too?" I knew what she was implying with the sly look on her face, but there was no way either of them had a crush on me. The type of girls they went for was just not the type of girl I was. I'm sure I was already friend-zoned the minute they met me.

"Only River's. He was just letting me know the details for the day of the party. He invited me to eat with him and henry before the party, and I said sure," explaining all this was already exhausting me, so I switched back to the original subject. "Back to your first question, my boobs could never fit into these tops," I sighed, looking down at my annoyingly large chest. Man, how wished to wake up with a bust like Kelly's one day.

"Oh, stop complaining. We'll go to Mona after I find something here. Do you like this one?" She turned to me with a cherry red bandeau that tied into a knot in the middle. I was glad she dismissed the topic of River and Henry because I didn't want to get my hopes up.

"I like it. It'll match your new red lipstick," I smiled, nodding.

"Aw, you know me so well," she grinned, grabbing the matching bottoms. I watched as she strolled to the dressing room. While she disappeared, I made my way to the perfume rack and took turns smelling each sample. I was definitely getting that Chanel perfume later. I decided to go to the dressing room to wait for Kelly before she screamed my name throughout the store. Kelly had absolutely no filter and wasn't afraid of making a scene.

"Liv?" She asked softly.

"Yeah, I'm coming," I replied, making my way to the third dressing room on the right. I knocked twice, and she let me in. The top fit her really well. "It looks great. Red's always been your color," I complimented as I looked at her in the mirror.

"Yeah, that's what I think too. Well, that was quick. I'm gonna try and get a new cover-up from Mona," she sighed in relief as she turned to change back into her bra and top.

"Do you think they would have my size?" I asked, attempting to measure my ribcage with my hands. I was cursed with a ribcage below the average, which made it impossible for me to find fitting bras.

"Definitely. They have the custom feature too," she said, slipping on her peach-colored crop top. "I'll try on the bottoms when I get back to my dorm," she murmured, unlocking the dressing room door. We made our way to the cash register, and she quickly purchased her new swimsuit.

Knowing Kelly, this bathing suit wouldn't see the light of day after the bonfire. The card reader screeched as approved flashed on the monitor. Kelly grabbed it and shoved it back in her wallet. I was glad to be finally leaving this cursed store.

"Hey, can we stop by Chanel? I wanted to get some new perfume," Kelly nodded as she checked her phone.

"I told my mom to make Arroz con gandules for you," she said, putting her phone in her purse. I beamed as we turned on a right corner. We entered mona, and I saw a cute lavender top towards the back.

"The lavender top," we mumbled, simultaneously laughing, meeting each other's eyes. It was a halter crossover top. Right next to it was a sexy black asymmetric fringe dress.

"Wow, today's a good day for shopping, huh?" Kelly asked as we maneuvered towards the back. I envisioned myself wearing this and turning heads at the party. I lightly shook my head once again, making sure I wasn't getting my hopes. A store clerk was busy folding towels on the far side of the store. She turned and watched us with eagle eyes.

"Do you ladies need help?" Contempt immediately washed over me as I heard her voice echo through the store. I took a deep breath and opened the flood gates to return to feeling my own emotions.

"Actually, can you get us that lavender swimsuit?" Kelly's voice sounded sweet like syrup. It had a condescending tone, which triggered me because Kelly had a short temper. Luckily the other girl listened, walked leisurely towards us, and grabbed a nearby pole.

"Which size?" I could see the bright green gum peaking from her chomping mouth. She raised her eyebrows, waiting for my answer. I asked for my size, praying internally. She searched through the rack, examining each tag, finally taking one down. I was glad I wasn't going to have to order online or settle for another swimsuit.

"Anything else," she grumbled.

"That black fringe dress in small," I smiled. She sighed again and grabbed my size. "Thank you," I nodded at her with an eye roll. She reciprocated. I shuffled to the dressing room as quickly as possible because Kelly started asking the store clerk for her name. I didn't want to witness a murder. I opened the nearest dressing room and took my cami off. As I unclasped my bra, Kelly yelled out, letting me know she was standing outside.

"Hey, can you get the matching bottoms for me?" I yelled.

"Okay!" she replied. By the time she was back, the top was on. Kelly knocked, and I let her in. I unbuckled my jeans and wiggled out to try the black cover-up on top. "Ooh, you gon' have River and Henry fightin' over you by the end of the night," she cooed sassily.

"I hope not. You know how much I hate love triangles," I shivered, remembering art class during my freshman year of high school. Neither of those boys was anywhere near River and Henry looks-wise, unfortunately.

"Alright, girl. Just tell me when you're done, I'm gonna go look for my own cover-up," Kelly said, unlatching the door. I locked it behind her and looked at myself in the mirror. I did look pretty amazing. Making friends and new memories were largely on my mind as I imagined how I would compose myself at the bonfire. Hopefully, I wouldn't have to reencounter Vanessa. Something about that girl gave me bad vibes.

Shaking away the thought of her voice, I smiled with excitement, remembering that I'm going to my first college party and changed back into my clothes. I made my way out, and Kelly gave me her card as I walked to the register. She was still searching the racks when I handed the clerk the card. I headed towards Kelly, proudly carrying my new purchase. She sighed loudly in frustration.

"I think I'm going to stick with the coverup in my closet," she decided, letting go of a neon green dress. "Let's go to Chanel."

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