Chapter 7

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Relief flooded through my body as I slid the last coat of mascara over my lashes. I was glad I gave myself insurance by dedicating two hours for any potential makeup disasters. Luckily, no such thing happened. Through examining my face, I was feeling confident in my abilities. I shuddered at the thought of meeting Henry, resembling a clown. To finish off my look, I grabbed my trusted deep red lipstick. My look was complete, and all that was left was the perfect footwear.

I contemplated which pair of shoes to wear tonight: gladiator sandals or slippers? My hands reached for the gladiator sandals instinctively. I don't know why, but I loved looking like a black greek goddess. With this new swimsuit cover, I definitely achieved that look. My phone buzzed behind me, and I prayed it was Henry. He had sent me a cheeky text earlier, reminding me to pay attention to my surroundings. The nurse had cleared me earlier and said not to do anything extreme just in case it triggered an actual concussion. Besides intense throbbing in my nose, I felt ready to go and was mindful of every action I took after leaving the clinic.

"Whoa, you look hot," my roommate, Ellie, exclaimed as she walked in. Her best friend Elijah towered in behind her, holding a Starbucks iced coffee. He was another addition to my "things to be grateful for at Holloway" list.

"True that," he nodded at me with a wink. I looked away sheepishly, hoping he didn't catch onto my minor crush on him.

"Thanks. What are you guys doing tonight?"

"We're going to a Delta Zeta party," Elijah answered smugly, dropping onto my roommate's futon.

"Me too," my voice raised an octave in excitement, and I giggled in embarrassment.

"Awesome! You can pregame with us if you want," my roommate offered as she took a bottle of Fireball Whisky from our minifridge. I hoped she could hide that well because my mom would have an aneurysm if the university warned her of my alcohol usage.

"I'm good. I'm actually about to meet some friends at Hungry Jacks," I grabbed my purse from my desk and scanned for my wallet and keys.

"Dammit, we should have thought of that," Elijah sighed in disappointment, taking another sip of his coffee.

"So, I'm guessing it's good?" I made my way to the door and waited for the answer as my hand clasped the handle.

"Amazing," Ellie nodded vigorously. Her wide eyes convinced me of this statement.

"Well, hopefully, I'll see you guys at the party," I waved them goodbye and let the door shut behind me. Whistles erupted from the common area as I walked to the elevators. I assumed the boys had taken notice of my appearance.

"Looking good, Liv," one of them yelled.

"Thanks!" I yelled back, waiting for the elevator. They were back to playing Mario Kart in a flash.

Kelly: Here. Hurry up hoe!

I rolled my eyes as I entered the elevator, wondering what happened to elevator music. It was eerily silent before the doors opened to reveal Kelly waiting impatiently before me. Her arms were crossed in disappointment like I had made her wait for an eternity.

"Take your time," she said sarcastically as I sauntered towards her. I began to walk in slow motion in response to her chiding, causing her to roll her eyes intensely. If I were a stranger, I would have thought she was seizing. She quickly grew tired of my antics and grabbed me, pulling me to the exit.

"Okay, okay," I laughed, pulling away from her. "We're not even running late," I scoffed.

"Yes, but I'm hungry," she interlocked her elbow with mine, forcing me to speed up. We eventually reached my mediocre Camry, but it wasn't as mediocre as Kelly's. We weren't taking any chances tonight, so we were letting old Willy rest for the day.

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