Chapter 9

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Harsh lights infiltrated my vision, and all I could hear was the beeping of monitors. I blinked, attempting to clear my vision, and heard a large sigh from the side of my bed. I turned to meet Henry's brown eyes; my heart jumped, and I tried to stop myself from jerking off the bed.

"Hey, you're okay," he cooed, taking my hand in his and rubbing it lightly.

"What happened? Where's River and Kelly?"

"Kelly's getting you some water, and River is stable. They're hoping he'll wake up soon because they're afraid he might go into a coma." Henry sighed, looking away.

"How long have we been here?"

"A couple of hours. River's in the room beside us. I was with him for a while. You got up as soon as I sat down."

I saw Kelly walk through the door just over Henry's shoulders, and she nearly dropped the water when we made eye contact. She remembered her original goal and slowed down a little, but there was still an urgency in her step. Once she reached my bedside, she pushed Henry aside and smothered me over the bed. I had just woken up, and Kelly was already attempting to suffocate me.

"Okay, okay," Henry cautioned Kelly, "be careful. She just woke up." He pulled her away from me, which gained him a death glare. He backed up with both his hands in the air, knowing Kelly was about to unleash her wrath on him.

"Are you feeling okay? Do you need any water? Here drink some?" Kelly barraged me with questions that began to create a headache in my already aching head. She shoved a paper cup in my face and forced me to drink some of the water.

"Okay, I think she's had enough water."

I was so glad Henry was here. Kelly huffed and crossed her arms, taking a seat on the other side of my bed. My memory slowly came back, and I gasped in horror. I hid my face, remembering that I had just passed out in front of a crowd of college students at the first party of the year. I was doomed to be called dopy girl for the rest of the year.

"What's wrong?" Kelly asked, rubbing my back.

"I passed out in front of everyone. That's so embarrassing," I replied, pretending to cry in my hands.

"If you think that's embarrassing, imagine how River feels. He just got his ass beat in front of hundreds of people." Henry chuckled. The pain behind his words couldn't be masked by his attempt to be humorous.

"I hope he wakes up," I sighed, hoping my attempt to save him earlier wouldn't be the cause of his impending coma. As soon as my words were uttered, a doctor rushed through the door with a smile on her face.

"River's awake. He wants to talk to Henry."

Henry jerked up in his chair and began following the doctor. They were out the door before I could say a word; I guess his attention on me was already done. I turned to Kelly, whose face was suddenly filled with dread.

"I shouldn't have let you drink tonight," she hunched over my bed, and I heard sniffles escape her covered face.

"Hey, hey," I rubbed her back, "it's not your fault. It wasn't even alcohol. I think I passed out because I could feel what River was feeling for a fraction of a second. The pain probably overwhelmed me, but I was gonna be fine regardless. It's River, who needs all the attention right now."

She nodded and walked to the box of tissues at the other end of the room. I knew she was getting back to her usual self when she blew her nose for an eternity. I rolled my eyes and smiled as she threw away her tissue and made her way back to the side of my bed.

"Your mom's gonna be pissed."

"Dammit, I forgot about my parents. They're gonna kill me once they get this bill. Did I have to get my own room?" I groaned, introducing my face back to the palms of my hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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