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Mission insertion in 5... 4... 3... 2...


Several helicopters are seen flying towards a base in the distance and the view slowly descends underground to a facility. A facility nearly at the end of its lockdown has a squad of Alpha-1 Agents known as Delta-5 are advancing down a hallway. A team specially selected for long-term missions, quick-insertion windows, precision strikes, and dark operations.

"Sector 2-A is secure..."

Wilhelm: "Williamson, what're the readings of this area, I'm getting a strange disturbance on my visor."

Connor: "The anomalies are going off the charts here. Asrial, I'm gonna need your VISR."

Paul: "I got you."

Edward: "Er... Lads?"


Edward: "Is it me or is that light getting too close."

Wilhelm: "Command, we're seeing a light."

Site Command: "Oh shit, Delta-5 get out of there! There has been esoteric activity reported in that area! Get out!"

Edward: "We can't! It's GRRR! Pulling us in!"

Wilhelm: "Ah! It's like a god damn gravity well! Ah! For the love of 343!"

Connor: "Ah-! I can't hold... On!"

Paul: "Williamson! Hang on! AAAAAAH!"

Wilhelm: "Paul! Oh shit! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Connor: "I can't GAAAAAAAAAH!"

Edward: "Bloody helllllll!"

Site Command: "Delta-5? Delta-5!? Shit... We may have lost an entire Red Right Hand team."

The Agents were in a strange half-world. A dimension of warping colors. All of them had the feeling of falling. They were screaming. I mean seriously they were falling. And all went black...

Soon it whitens out, to see 3 of them get up in a forest.

Edwards: "Where's Will?"

Connor: "Ugh I don't know."

Paul: "Wait."

Suddenly Wilhelm falls out of a sudden light appearing. And hit the floor with a thud...

Wilhelm: "I've been falling... For 30 minutes! Wait... Why's my voice a bit higher?"

Paul: "Uhhh."

Connor: "Guys... Masks off."

Edward: "Bloody hell. I look like me when I was 16-17!"

Wilhelm: "Hey, lookin' good Connor."

Connor: "Huh? Oh thanks..."

Paul: "I used to be a chad in Highschool."

Connor: "Sure Paul... Sure..."

Edward: "Oh of course if you were such a chad, why don't you get a girlfriend."

Paul: "Okay now hold on a sec-"

Wilhelm: "Guys shut it. I'm trying to radio command, I think we're just somewhere on Earth. Delta-5 to Any nearby sites do you read? Repeat, Delta-5 here... Does anyone read?"

Just static came from the radio.

Wilhelm: "Yeah I got nothing..."

Connor: "Let me amplify the signal."

Foundation's Remnant (Into the Unknown Remastered)Where stories live. Discover now