What Truly Happened to Site-13

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Ozpin: "I've been expecting to see you."

Will: "Oh? For what?"

Ozpin: "Well, from what I've observed. You are likely one of the best soldiers your world can offer."

Wilhelm: "Yeah I don't think so."

Ozpin: "Hmm, well, from what I've seen, more than any man or woman in the world... You are indeed one of their best."

Wilhelm: "Okay."

Ozpin: "Hmm."

Wilhelm: "What?"

Ozpin: "You have silver eyes..."

Wilhelm: "I know. The sky is blue right?"

Ozpin: "Haha..."

Wilhelm: "Look, what do you want from me sir?"

Ozpin: "I'd like you and your squad to join Beacon. From what I've seen from your performance in the forest. That's more than enough to account for your initiation... So... What do you say?"

Wilhelm: "I'd have to discuss this with the guys..."

Ozpin: "Very well then."

Ozpin got up to leave the room but before he did so he paused and looked at Wilhelm.

Ozpin: "Please, I'd ask you to consider this carefully. After all, even if you did wish to return to your world... I'd doubt you'd ever find it. If I remember correctly... An entire building of yours came here... Most of those poor people were dead by the time people arrived... But that was long ago... Yet all of the survivors kept trying to find their way home... They didn't, I hope you make the right decision."

Wilhelm: *Quietly* "Site-13..."

The view pans behind the one way mirror, and shows the staff and team RWBY intently observing. 

Ruby: "They seem nice... Don't they?"

Blake: "I'm not really sure..."

Yang: "I'm sure these guys are pretty 'cool' like their uniforms."

Weiss: "For all we know, they could be creepy aliens from outer space!"

Goodwitch: "Now, children. These men are surely human. What we don't know is their intention, and what their capable of... However this is what we had observed."

A transparent video played on one part of the one way mirror, and when one looks behind the transparent video, the guys are seen all discussing what to do. Edward seems to shake his head,  and Paul seems to be yelling. Back to the video, it shows what the Gentlemen have done in the previous chapter in their first encounter.

Ruby: "Their strategies aren't like anything I've seen."

Weiss: "They fight like Atlas Soldiers, but they're way better trained, equipped, and use strategies even I haven't seen."

Connor was soon knocking on the window. He looked like a SHD agent (The Division game) with his beanie on and his military equipment. Ozpin walked in and the guys spoke to him incoherently, and Ozpin shook each of their hands. Soon he spoke and it came in clearly.

Ozpin: "They have decided to attend Beacon."

*Sounds of team RWBY and the Professors approving*

Timeskip, brought to you by Chibi Delta-5, passing by a window, opening the door and throwing in a Flashbang

The guys were discussing about the fact they were going back to school inside of their new room.

Wilhelm: "Okay..."

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