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Blake: "So... I have a question."

She was asking him sitting on the bed while Connor was cleaning his glasses.

Connor: "What is it."

Blake: "Who do you like?"

Connor: "Well, there's this one girl I know." 

(If it doesn't have quotations it's in their mind)

Connor's Mind: OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK! We must not tell lies! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh describe Blake but be obscure!

Blake: "Oh, what's she like?"

Connor: "Nice eyes, beautiful, uhhhhhhhhh... Kind hearted, smart, and... Well, she's overall sweet... Why are you wearing my hoodie?"

Blake: "Because it's cold."

Connor: "Who the hell set the temp to 65 degrees Fahrenheit?"

*Behind the wall*

Sun: "Heheheheh."

*Back to Connor and Blake*

Blake: "Oh... Anyways... What's her name."

Connor: "That... I'm not willing to disclose."

Blake: "Oh come on, tell me."

Connor: "NNnnnnnnooooo."

Blake: "Come on."

Connor: "Blake! I said no!"

Blake: *Gives him the cute stare*

Connor: "Don't do that."

Blake: *Stares even more*

Connor: "Don't do that... Please."

Sun: "Hey-hey! Are we going?"

He says opening the door. The two look at sun, Connor breathes a sigh of relief, and gets his hoodie handed back to him by Blake. They all then go out. They had something to discuss. 

Timeskip brought to you by REDACTED, but we're going back to the guys.

Wilhelm: "So... That's where he is huh?"

Paul: "Seems so."

Edward: "Look guys, are we going to recover him or not?"

Wilhelm: "No, reconnaissance and surveillance."

Paul: "That's... Totally not creepy."

Wilhelm: "I'm just saying, he wants us to know he's good."

*Knock knock*

Edward: "It's open!"

The rest of team RWBY walked in seemingly distressed over the fact Blake hasn't returned. The guys looked like they hadn't gotten any sleep at all. In fact all of them looked like they hadn't gotten any sleep. Paul kicked something metallic in nature underneath his bed. Albeit low-key.

Yang: "What were you guys doing up so late last night?"

Edward: "Uhhhhh."

*Montage of them preparing their equipment and drilling several new Hunter moves they've developed in their training*

Wilhelm: "Studying."

Weiss: "There isn't an exam coming up soon."

Paul: "Pays to be prepared."

Ruby: "What's that behind you guys?"

Wilhelm covered it with a tarp. 

Wilhelm: "Nothing, it's just a computer."

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