Proving our worth

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Cardin:"This is where you lose."


*Coffin dance*


Ahem. (Just got bored)

Glynda:"Cardin that's enough! Students, as you can see, Mr. Arcs aura has dropped into the red. In a tournament styled duel, this would indicate Jaune is no longer fit for battle, and the official may call the match." (Turns to Jaune) "Mr. Arc it has been weeks now. Please try to refer to your scroll during combat. Gauging your aura can help you decide when to attack, or when it is better to move to a more... Defensive strategy." 

Edward: "Aura's huh? We don't have any."

Paul: "Mhm."

Glynda: "Remember everybody, the Vytal festival is only a few months away! It won't be long before students from other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing! Those who choose to compete will be representing all of Vale."

Wilhelm:"Evidently Cardin is a poor representation."


*Sounds of everyone but Cardin and Jaune laughing*

Wilhelm:"Hey, it's alright happens to the best of us. Hell, I was bullied too."

Jaune:"Huh? Oh... Th-thanks..."

*Later at lunch*

Everyone was in their combat attire, even the agents, they looked more like soldiers who were merely sitting down and having a lunch break... Connor was just trying to eat parts of his tuna sandwich only to have Blake seemingly teleport next to him.

Blake: "Can I?"

Connor: "Sure, have half."

Paul: "Ugh, better than tuna casserole."

Edward: "What's wrong with that?"

Paul: "What!? Tuna casserole is a disgusting abomination that deserves to be locked up with the rest of the skips."

Edward: "Uh... Okay then."

Wilhelm: "Hey, you alright Jaune? You haven't touched those Dino-nuggets of yours."

Ruby: "Yeah... Why haven't you touched them? You seem a little not okay..."

Jaune: "I'm fine! Seriously, look!"

Delta-5 Agents: "No, you're not."

All the agents had their eyes deadlocked onto Jaune's.

Pyrrha:"Agreed, Jaune. Cardin has been picking on you since the first week of school."

Jaune:"Uh Cardin Winchester? He just likes to mess around ya know? Practical Jokes!"

Ruby:"He's a bully."

Jaune:"Really? Name one time he's 'bullied' me."

Connor: "Hmm activating your shield on a door."

Jaune: "Just a practical prank."

Paul: "Knocking your books down."

Jaune: "Just another... Joke?"

Edward: "Acting too aggressively in duels?"

Jaune: "Well he does take it seriously."

Wilhelm: "You... Were launched... In a locker..."

Jaune:"I didn't land far from the school..."

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