Chapter One

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Anaya's POV

Anaya looked at the poster again. That's so cool! I hope I get in. Fifteen teens get invited to go on a trip to space. It happens every year, and they get to spend four months in space.

I have all the rules memorised and have my color picked out. She wanted to be light blue. Her favorite color. She filled out her application again and pressed submit. Hugo walked in and hugged her.

"Filling that thing out again?" He asked. "Yeah. Millions of people are applying so I gotta submit as many as possible to get in." She explained.

He pulled out his phone. "Maybe I'll apply too. I can't stand you being away for four months." She smiled at him. He's sweet. She leaned back in her chair.

"So is Josie or Nicky applying?" Hugo asked. "Not that I know of. Nicky doesn't like space and Josie might." Anaya told him. "So what are the rules again?" Hugo asked.

Anaya smiled. "First rule; you have to do your tasks every day. Second rule; you have to keep your room clean. Third rule; stay away from the vents, people can get lost in them." She explained.

Hugo took notes. "Fourth rule; you have to stick with the color you are assigned." She finished. "Those are the four you need to know." He looked at her. "Says here we can bring some stuff with us." Anaya nodded. "You're allowed to bring your phone, which I doubt would have internet, and some other stuff."

The next day at school a lot of people were talking about the trip. Josie walked up. "So I applied yesterday. I can't wait to go." The purple haired girl exclaimed. Josie has a crush on Anaya. And so does Hugo. But I don't date either of them cause I'm scared it'll ruin our friendship.

"Who knows maybe we'll both get to go." Anaya said.  She got an email and checked her phone. "Looks like their upping the number of people to twenty." Josie said. "More of a chance to get in." Anaya said.

Hugo ran up to them. "They're letting us know tomorrow at an assembly who got in." He explained. "And where'd you get this information?" Anaya asked. "I may or may not have heard the principal say it." Hugo replied.

"Well I can't wait to see." Josie said. Anaya nodded in agreement. "I hope my color is purple." Josie said. "We'll have to see." Anaya told her.

After school the three of them headed to the park. "So who's applying?" Hugo asked. "I think Lily applied. Um, maybe Jem and Nico too." Anaya said.

"I heard Jackson applied too." Josie said. Hugo rolled his eyes. As far as I know, Hugo and Jackson are rivals at everything. Have been since kindergarten.

"So how big are the rooms?" Josie asked. "I think their about the size of a master bedroom. And there's at least three people in a room." Anaya told her. "So if I'm right, which I probably am not, We have a fourth percent chance of being chosen together?" Hugo asked.

"Don't know. We'll have to see." Anaya said. The three eventually went to grab something to eat then went home.

This might not be a long story and idk if I'm making a sequel, yes that's a possibility, but this is the start. Have fun reading!

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