Chapter Six

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Nicky's POV

Nico kicked down a trash can and yelled with anger. "Dude I just picked that up." Nicky said. "Sorry." Nico said wiping a tear. "So why did you think it was that Draco Malfoy look alike?" Nicky asked.

"He threatened Cammy a few hours before it happened." Nico explained. "Oh."

Nicky looked at Nico. "I need you to do something for me." She said. He looked at her. "What do you need?" He asked.

"If we find whoever killed her I want you to do something." Nicky told him. He gave her his full attention. "What is it?" He asked her, getting impatient.

"I want you to...."

Anaya's POV

Anaya sat at the cafeteria table next to Hugo and across from Lily and Josie. "I say we inspect everyone. If someone lies I'll be able to tell." Lily said.

"How do we even know she WAS killed. It could've been an accident." Josie said. "Cammy was smart. She would be careful while doing something." Anaya said.

"And there were marks around her neck." Hugo said. Anaya nodded. "Not to mention that there was a steak knife next to her side where she was stabbed."

Lily flashed Anaya a confused look. "When you're raised to know your swords you can automatically tell." She explained to her.

"Do we stay in groups?" Hugo asked. "No. We have to assume that this was a one time thing. If it happens again then that's when we sig deeper." Anaya said.

After a few more minutes they headed back to their rooms. Anaya stood out in the hallway and Hugo was next to her. "Where's Lily?" He asked. "She went to find Nicky. She's staying there tonight."

"Anaya there's something I wanted to tell you." Hugo said. "What's up?" She asked. He looked nervous.

"I-I uh, I really-" He stuttered. "Why don't you tell me later? I should get some sleep." She said. Suddenly he kissed her then brought her into the room. (Hehe you can use your imaginations)

A few hours later

Anaya sat on her bed, putting her suit on. Nicky walked in. "I thought somebody was getting murdered!" She yelled. "Why the heck were-" Anaya cut her off by stuffing a sock in her mouth.

"Keep this hush hush and you won't have a broken bone." She commented. Nicky threw the sock. "What about Josie?" She asked. "Josie's just a friend. Nothing more, nothing less." Anaya told her.

"That's harsh." Nicky replied. Josie ran in. "Was someone getting murdered in here last night?" She asked. Nicky started laughing and Anaya glared at her.

Lily walked in and sat on the floor. Suddenly she pulled a sock out from under Anaya's bed. "Why is Hugo's sock in here?" She asked.

Nicky looked at Anaya. "Ask her." Anaya glared at her and spoke to Lily. "I was doing laundry. He brought his stuff over here and the sock fell off the bin." She lied.

"Liar." Lily said. I'm not explaining myself to her. Anaya left and went into the hallway.

Someone shoved her to the ground. "Hey !" She exclaimed. The Draco look a like smirked at her. "You're helpless." He said. Dumb bitch.

She got up. "Don't call me helpless Draco." She kept his gaze as he glared at her. This dude killed Cammy. I won't let him hurt the others.

He raised a hand to hit her but didn't get the chance to because she kicked him in his stomach.

Nicky's POV

Nicky sat on her bed and read a book. Lily walked in. "So I just figured out what happened last night with Hugo and Anaya." She told Nicky.

"Haha." Lily glared at her. "It's not funny. He's V-card said bye bye!" Nicky stood up and pushed Lily against the wall. "You want yours to go to?" Lily blushed.

Nicky leaned closer to her face, only a few more inches and they'd be kissing. "Cause I can help you with that." She said in almost a whisper.

Lily was almost as red as a tomato. "I-I uh." She stuttered. Nicky leaned a bit closer. "Tick tock Lilypad." She said before starting to leave. Lily grabbed her arm and pulled her in. Nicky kissed her.

Finally I updated. It's been forever since I touched this story.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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