Chapter Three

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Anaya's POV

Anaya finished packing some clothes and sat on her bed. Nico read a book and Nicky just played her phone. "You guys sure you want to go?" She asked.

"You know how much I've wanted to go." Nico replied. Nicky just ignored them. They had an assembly after lunch to announce to the entire school who was going.

Hugo walked in with Josie, which was a bit weird cause they never stayed near each other for more then a second. "So we have our colors already?" Lily asked, following them in.

"Yeah." Anaya said. She was light blue. "I got orange." Nicky said. "I'm purple." Josie told them. "I got dark blue. And Lily got yellow." Nico looked at them. "I got white." He said.

Jackson barged in. "And I got red." He said.  Hugo clenched his fist, Josie rolled her eyes, Nicky grabbed her bat, Nico held back Nicky and Lily just grabbed a book to hit Jackson.

Anaya stood up, trying not to laugh. "Alright, alright. Put the weapons down." She said to Lily and Nicky. Once the two dropped their things Anaya looked at Hugo. "Don't grab it." She said.

Too late. Hugo grabbed the knife from under Anaya's bed and lunged at Jackson. Lily and Josie held back the angry boy. "Hugo calm down!" Nicky yelled.

Jackson just screamed like a little girl. Nico was videoing the entire thing. "Jackson stop screaming." Anaya said. He stopped after a few seconds. Nicky rubbed her ear. Nico was laughing his head off and Josie wacked Hugo with a book.

Anaya ignored Hugo's small complaint and glared at Jackson. "Why are you here?" She asked. "Can't I just spend time with my friends?" He asked. "You don't have friends." Anaya told him.

"Fine I'll go. But don't blame me for not telling you." Jackson said as he left. Lily let go of Hugo and Hugo fell on the floor. "Well he's annoying." Nico said.

The others nodded in agreement. "We have our room assignments too." Nicky said. "I got bunked with Lily and a girl we don't know." Anaya told them. Nicky seemed kinda angry. "I got paired with Josie and another girl." Hugo let out a groan.

"I got put with Jackson?! Oh and you too Nico." Nico just gave a thumbs up. Nicky stood up. "It's kinda weird though." She said. "What is?" Hugo asked.

"What are the chances of all SIX of us going when there's millions of people in the world?" She asked. "That's a very small chance. Like less then one percent chance." Anaya told her.

Nicky's POV

If you ask me this whole thing seems sus. I had my mom do background research on everyone and we all have one thing in common; we knew people, personally, from the trip thirty years ago. "So it's either plain luck or a ruse." Nicky said.

"Oh my sister's going." Nico said. "Sweet! Cammy's awesome." Josie exclaimed. "Yeah she is. Remember that time she built that cotton candy volcano?" Lily asked. "Ugh that was the best and worst day of my life." Hugo said.

"The worst part was on you." Nicky told him. "You know how I get around cotton candy." He said. "Hey didn't you throw up on Anaya?" Lily asked. "We don't speak of that." Hugo said while Anaya laughed.

I chose to run with the right crowd. Anaya's an expert in karate and swords, Lily can build bombs and any weapon you can think of, Josie knows her way around technology, Nico's quiet so he could practically be a spy and Hugo's just got a big heart.

"Didn't Nicky fall in the river that one time?" Nico brought up the camping trip from two years ago. "No. No I didn't." She said. "She fell in a thing of fish guts too." Anaya said.

How dare she bring that up. "I remember you threw a fish at Hugo and called it a Japanese defense mechanism." Nicky said. Anaya scoffed. "I did know such thing."

Nico pulled out his phone and showed the video to them. "So this isn't you?" Nicky asked. "Wait that was you who fished me?" Hugo asked, rubbing the back of his head.

They spent most of the night talking about the trip and things that happened in the past. Soon they fell asleep, leaving Nicky and Lily awake.

"You know you didn't have to come." Lily said. "I heard rumors that someone was planning on killing everyone on the ship. I didn't want to risk it." Nicky told her. "You're always protecting me. Let me have a turn to return the favor." Lily said.

Nicky hugged her and kissed her. "Not in a million years." She whispered. Lily rolled her eyes and smiled. "Night fluffy hair." Nicky yawned. "Night Lilypad."

Just gonna say it. These two are cute together. Who's ready for the next chapter?

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