Chapter Five

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Anaya's POV

Anaya sat in her chair as they were given instructions before the rocket took off. I'm nervous. What if someone actually does try to kill us? Would we be able to have help?

She felt a hand brush hers. She saw Hugo give her a confident smile. We can do this.

She ignored the jealous look Josie gave her. Jackson got kicked off the ship before they left. Soon they all went to their rooms.

Lily yawned. "You can't be tired already." Anaya said. "it's nighttime." Lily told her. "How can you tell?" Anaya asked.

Lily shrugged before laying down. Anaya let out a yawn and stared at the ceiling. Wonder what Nicky's so concerned about. Maybe she's got space jitters?

The next day Anaya sat in the medbay, checking the medicine stocks, when an alarm went off. She ran out and into the cafeteria. Nico pushed past her and let out a heartbroken yell. 

Nicky pulled Lily back and Hugo grabbed Anaya's arm to make sure she was okay. Josie shook with fear and Nico tried to push past the two boys blocking him from the center of the room.

Tears were streaming down his face and he cursed at everyone. Anaya looked around the room and felt her eyes swell up with tears. Who did this?!

Five Hours Earlier

Nico's POV

Nico closed his door and walked to the cafeteria. "Cammy stop climbing the wall." He said looking at his twin. "There's a ladder for a reason. I wanna know what's up there." She replied.

Hopping off the ladder, she hugged him. "It's been a year since I saw you and all you do is give me a hug. No annoying hair ruffles?" He asked.

"Nah. You outgrew them." Cammy said, ruffling her brother's hair. "Haha very funny." Nico said, shaking away her hand.

A boy with a green suit walked up to them. "Stop playing around you two. We have work to do." He said. "Don't tell us what to do." Cammy said.

"Listen here you little-" He was interrupted by Cammy. "I don't care what the hell you say. Just leave me and my brother alone."

He grabbed her by the neck and held her against the wall. "You have no right to speak to me like this. My father will her about this when we get on earth."

Nico punched him and the boy let go of Cammy. "Just buzz off." Nico told him. "Yeah. We don't need a Draco Malfoy on the ship." His sister said, rubbing her neck.

"Whatever. Compared to me you all are peasants." The boy said leaving. Well he's nice. Nico turned to Cammy.

"You alright?" He asked. She nodded. "I'm fine. But my pride's not." She said. "It's gonna be bad being stuck with him for four months." Nico told her.

"It's gonna be terrible." Cammy replied. "But we'll get through it." She said before leaving.

Present Time

"You killed her!" Nico yelled, struggling to get passed the two people holding him. "You killed my sister!" I'm gonna kill him!

Tears streamed down his face as he finally pushed past them and fell on his knees next to his sister's body.

A hand fell on his shoulder. He looked up to see Nicky next to him. "Let's go walk to calm you down." She said.

He listened to her and got up. Before he left the room he glared at the boy in the green suit. I will kill you if you touched her!

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