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Attention: This is NOT a fanfiction! This is a book based upon someone with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Everything you read is written by an alter sourced from a Sanders Asides episode called "Flirting With Social Anxiety" named Nico Flores. Nico was voiced by Manuel Marichal (also called Manny). You can find Manny on Instagram, but you will have to request a follow since his Insta is private and request-only.

And without further ado... meet your host (for this book only since Faeryn is the Host of the Crystal Moon System), Nico Flores!

(Here's some info that Nico told me, Faeryn, to write down for him)

Name: Nico Flores
Nicknames: Nico
Age: 26
Species: Human
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay & Polyamorous
Gender: Male
Birthday: October 11th
Zodiac sign: Libra
System role: Fictive, Caretaker
Source: Sanders Asides
Triggers: Excessive caps, yelling, arguing, loud noises
Other info: Loves reading, art, astrology, nature, mythology, and animals. He's a very sweet person in general.

Yeah, that's all about me, so let's get on with the book of learning, shall we? I promise you, it'll be fun!

Also, if you have any suggestions for me to look into such as mythology, herbology, or any certain questions about the other alters, just ask! I'm happy to answer! The same with advice! -Nico

Nico's Book of LearningWhere stories live. Discover now