Lesson #2: How to observe someone without being seen as a creep

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Lesson #2: How to observe someone without being seen as a creep


I like to observe others. You may think this is creepy, but I just want to make sure they aren't harmful.

As an example, I've observed Thomas...

He was there and I had no idea who else to observe.


Onto the lesson!


Me (Nico): *Sitting on the couch in innerworld and happens to spots Thomas not too far from where I am*

Thomas: *Talking to Joan and Talyn*

Me: *Picks up a random book from the coffee table and opens to a random page, silently observing Thomas*

Thomas: *Laughs at something Joan said*

Me: *Heart rate picks up because Thomas' laugh is adorable*

Logan, who I didn't notice was in the room with us: Are you reading a book upside-down...?

Me: *Screams and throws the book*

Book: *Hits the wall*

Me: NO-!

Logan: *Shook because the book almost hit him in the face*


Yeah... not my best for observing someone. I might do part 2 of this, but with Jon...

Huh, maybe I am a creep, but I don't know it.

What I learned:

1. Make sure the object you're holding is right-side-up...

2. Make sure the person doesn't notice you observing them.

3. Don't be creepy.

4. Throw in some 'gay eyes' if you find the person attractive.

~Nico Flores

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