Chapter (0.0) Entrance to Hogwarts

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You were with your mother as you arrived at a train station, it was a mostly brick building with many brick pillar with the platforms 9 and 10. Your ticket red "9 3/4",

"Mother, how exactly will we get there" you motioned to your ticket.

"You have to run at the pillar labeled with a 9 and 10,'' she said as she pointed to a pillar about 10 feet from them, you took a deep breath as you started to run getting closer and closer to the wall that you mother claimed to be the entrance to 9 and 3/4.

You closed your eyes out of fear that you would just crash into a wall, but all of a sudden you appeared on a platform filled with people. You looked around taking in the station when you see a flash of red hair, 'What a bright color' you thought. When you looked closer you realized it was a family of what looked to be about 5 people, but then your mother appeared and started leading you toward the train.

"Now remember to take care of P/N," she said as she pointed to your P/O/C.

"Yes Mother, I love you." you responded,

"You've grown up so much and so fast Y/N!" she pulled you into a bone-crushing hug that you cherished.

You said goodbye as you board the train, you walk until you reach an open seat. When you sit down you watch many people pass by, it was about 10 mins later a girl opens your compartment door and asks

"Can I sit here?"

She looked to be my age, around my height, and had a mane of bushy brown hair.

"Hi, I'm Y/N/L/N"

"I'm Hermione Granger, are you a first-year as well?"

"Yup, I do hope we can be friends." I said

"It would be a pleasure!" she said while smiling

We had a lovely conversation about spells and magic for a bit when we decided it would be good to get our uniforms on, that was when a slightly taller boy opened our compartment, he had a slight baby face with muddy green eyes.

"Do you need anything?" I asked

"I lost my toad, I was wondering if you've seen it." he responded

''We haven't seen it but we can help you look for it." Hermione offered.

After we changed we left our compartment and started looking a that dreaded toad, I walked down the aisle asking the people if they've seen a toad. I opened a compartment that held 2 boys, one had a head of bright red hair who I was sure was apart of the family I had seen earlier, the other had a darker brown hair color with a pair of circular glasses.

''Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville has lost it," I asked

The boy with red hair responded

"No'' with his mouth full of sweets, I hadn't noticed that Hermione had caught up to me until she said,

"Y/N have you found it yet?" she asked

"No I haven't, these boys haven't either." I responded

She sat next to me,

"Were you trying to perform a spell," she asked motioning to the redhead's wand that was out

"Well give it a go then?"

The redhead cleared his throat and began

"Sunshine daisies, buttermelo, turn this stupid fat rat yellow," he said as he pointed his wand at the rat sitting on his lap, but it only flung the box the rat was eating out of off of its head.

"Are you sure that's a real spell?" Hermione asked,

"Well it's not very good is it, of course I've only tried a few simple ones myself but they've all worked for me. Similarly, Y/N has also learned a few spells."

"For example, Y/N show them that repairing spell." she told you

You took out your wand and pointed it at the dark hair boys glasses which had a piece of tape holding the 2 halves together,

"Oculus reparo" you say calmly.

The glasses on the boys face had been fixed which he seemed very thankful for,

"I was wondering, may I ask of your names?" you ask.

"Harry Potter" the dark-haired boy said,

You internally scream as Harry Potter is quite famous but you didn't want to seem rude so you just smile and say,

"And yours?"

"Ronald Weasley".

Ah, yes, father has mentioned a man with the last name of Weasley from work, he described him as kind and very approachable.

"Pleasure, well Hermione should we continue our search?" I say as I rise from my seat,

"Yes, I suppose we should. Oh, and I would recommend putting on your robes soon. We will be arriving at Hogwarts soon." She said to Ron and Harry.

Unfortunately we never found the toad even after our rigorous searching on the train, as we emptied out of the train a very tall man with a very full beard was approaching us. He was motioning for us to get on the boats that were on the lake surrounding the school ahead, You boarded the same boat as Hermione and we set off to the castle.

Later, a tall woman in an Emerald robe led us into a room filled with people of varying ages, as she kept leading us Hermione whispered to me

"That isn't a real ceiling, it's just bewitched to look like the night sky. I read about it in 'Hogwarts History'."

"Well done Hermione" You whisper back smirking,

After the women introduced the different houses and their founder, and Headmaster Dumbledore gave a small speech the Sorting commenced.

"Let's hope we get into the same house, but if we don't, promise that we'll stay friends." You say

"Promise," she said will certain eyes

"Hermione Granger!" the women called

She set the hat on her head and it seemed to contemplate it's decision until it finally said,


After a few names were called the women finally said,


You walked up and sat down, You saw Hermione watching me with hopeful eyes. You cleared my mind so I could get an honest answer, it was a few minutes of the hat mumbling my characteristics when it finally said,


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