Chapter (6.0) Slytherin Heir

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Around mid-way through the year, many students began to get petrified by an unknown source and were being sent to the hospital wing where they reside currently. Harry, Hermione, and Ron had learned from Professor McGonagall that the Chamber of Secrets was only opened by Salazar Slytherin's Heir, luckily even throughout the chaos, Hufflepuff/Slytherin game nights still continued. This was a good way to relieve the houses of all the stress and just enjoy themselves, tonight happened to be game night again, Hermione had asked you if you wanted to join her in studying with her tonight. But because of the event taking place that you were sworn to secrecy from any Ravenclaw or Gryffindor you were unable to go, this made her slightly suspicious but she didn't push you.

Hermione's offer to a study date was a cover for her, Harry, and Ron to disguise themselves so they could find out the Slytherin heir. 

You were their way to get into the common room. Of course, this changed their plan drastically so they improvised, after they changed form Hermione refused to leave the bathroom for unknown reasons.

The pair disguised as Crabbe and Goyle walked around till they found Malfoy, or rather Malfoy found them. They followed him into the Slytherin Common room and they sat across from him on the couches, he talked about the recent incidences around the school.

"If a muggle were to happen to die, my hopes are on Granger,"


Ron and Harry looked up to see you, hovering above the shocked boy with a book in hand that had appeared to be the object that slapped Malfoy in the back of the head.

"Watch your mouth Malfoy," You say in a serious tone

"Like you can tell me what to say Halfy!" he retorts

"Halfy; how creative egg-head' pointing out the pale blond hair that was glued to his scalp.

He ignored this blow that Harry and Ron had to stifle their laughter for,

"Where are you off to? Gaming with those useless Hufflepuffs!?" he asks

"In fact I am, I assume you stopped going after Crabbe beat you in a game of chess?"

"Shut up!"

You giggle and headed off to the Hufflepuff common room, your mother had sent you a muggle game called "Monopoly" that you were carrying.

Harry and Ron were very happy to see that you could hold yourself against Malfoy, but then they realized their original form was returning. They had to escape sneakily and fast, they started to run in the direction you had headed off to moments before.

You were still walking towards the common room when you saw a pair of redheads walking in the direction you just were,

"Excuse me, what are you planning to?" You ask the two boys.

You felt your fingers start to glow and you blushed heavily,

"We're trying to plant a bogey bomb in the Slytheri.." Fred began to say.

You knew he just remembered you were a Slytherin,

"I can help, I won't put it in the common room but I wouldn't mind planting it on Malfoy," You said with a sly smile.

"Deal!" George said handing you a small bag, 

"Is it ok if I plant it on him before breakfast?" You ask.

"Even better!" said Fred

Fred and George patted your shoulder and looked down to see what you were holding,

"What's that?" they say at the same time.

"O-oh it's for um-" You stuttered,

"It's fine if you can't tell us," said Fred.

"Y-yeah, it's a secret," You respond,

"Ok, we'll see you at Breakfast!" George said winking.

You wave good-bye and continued your walk towards your destination, You had remembered the password for the Hufflepuff Common Room after attending the game night for almost a half a year.

When you entered you were presented with a golden aura surrounding the students, it was a feel-good environment that made you question why anyone would skip it.

"Y/N!" You looked to the side and saw Cedric, along with a few of his friends gathered around a table.

"My mother sent me a muggle game that I thought we could play," You say holding out the box,

"What a peculiar name...Mono-Pooly?" said Patty Declaris (I made her up)

"I believe it's pronounced Monopoly, my mother thought it would be a fun game."

"Well let's open it up!" said Cedric.

He took off the lid and stared at all the items that were stored within, an array of colorful paper, mini metal figures, a large teal colored board, and cards, along of a paper that had the rules and directions written on it.

You grabbed the paper and started to read,

"What's this S sign?" Daisy Mazia asked, she was standing behind you pointing to the sign next to some numbers.

"That's a dollar sign, it's for muggle currency, it equals to about 2 sickles," Your mother had educated you about Muggle currency in your younger years.

You pointed to the orange papers that read '500',

"If we each start out with 1,000, we each need two of those," you say.

Everyone took 2 of the orange papers, there were about 5 people playing including you.

You continued to read the directions and tried your best to interperate the instructions to their understanding.

You got into a good groove and ended up playing a messy version of the usual game, but it worked. A boy sitting across from you was using his wand to guide his piece across the board, along with manipulating the money to fly to him.

It was his turn and when he moved his piece it landed on the start, but someone distracted him and he was yelling at him. During yelling, he swung his wand to manipulate the money but he accidentally cast a fire charm on the highly flammable material.

The group jumped back and Cedric was the first to take action, 


But the spell was useless, it did nothing to distinguish the fire. Soon the fire spread across the large table where the board was, there was screaming as the fire had grown quite large. 

All of a sudden Professor Sprout entered the common room after hearing all of the commotion,

"What is going on here!?" She soon noticed what all the commotion was all about and she sighed, she flicked her wand and the fire was gone. Only leaving a soft smoke, and a badly burnt table.

"Who caused this?"

"I-i did professor," said the boy, You felt bad knowing he would be punished severely, he was a good person and he didn't deserve it.

"No, it was my fault!" You say bravely,

"Ms. L/N, that is very disappointing to hear," she says.

"It was an accident, I wasn't paying attention and I unintentionally casted a fire charm," You managed to stay calm.

"Well, you will be getting a punishment but we will discuss this later. As for now, the game Monopoly is now banned on game nights!"

A/N not much of a cliff hanger, but I'm just glad I updated, I hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. See you next time!

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