Chapter one ~ High in the mountains

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2 years later

Zohdi was brave and always had been. Ever since he heard of the Great War, he had been training in an abandoned cave at the top of the mountains, a place where no mountain cat dared to go.

Zohdi was a Mountain Cat, the strongest tribe in all of Animalia. The Mountain Cats were well known for their knowledge in warfare. Zohdi stepped out of the cave and gazed out at the world of Animalia below him.

Zohdi's sister Zubeya stepped out of the shadows. "You wouldn't dare to fight in the war would you? Aaravos the Feather is downright vicious and wouldn't bat an eyelash to kill you."

"Zubeya, I'm not scared of a stupid Feather. If the world's of above and beyond disapprove of my knowledge in warfare, so help me. I can kick his feathered butt if I wanted to."

Zohdi began walking away and climbed down the slope. He was only 15 years old after all. He would have to keep training for as long as possible before he actually joined the war.

When he entered his cave, Zohdi was greeted by his kitten siblings.

"Zoody! Hi, Zoody!" shouted the youngest sibling, Zumi. "Hi, Zohdi!" shouted the older sibling, Zakaya.

He noticed that they both were holding their bags. "Where are you two going?" He asked.

"We're gonna find Feathers and kick their butts!" said Zakaya. "Yeah! 'ick their butts!" exclaimed Zumi, piling on.

"Did you remember your snacks? You can't kick feathered butts without your jerky." "Oh yeah!" Zakaya ran back to her mother's kitchen.

"Mama? Where do you keep the jerky? Oh wait, I just 'membered." Zakaya ran back into the kitchen, grabbed two pawfuls of jerky, wrapped them up in cloth, and ran back. "Here, Zumi, take this. It's your snack."

"What's in there?" He asked, curious. "It's some of Mama's special jerky. Keep it warm, otherwise it'll freeze."

A few hours later, Zohdi poked his head out the doorway to check on Zumi and Zakaya. They were throwing snowballs at each other, giggling and falling over while eating their jerky.

"Zohdi? How are the kittens doing?" asked his mother.

"They're fine. I just checked. They're doing a snowball fight." he responded." "How cute! Just make sure they don't trip and fall."

"I gave them some jerky before they left for a snack." Zohdi peeked outside again. "It looks like they're making a snowcat and using the jerky for a face. Oh Wait, never mind. It looks like it's a Snowbird, since they're punching and kicking it now."

"Ha ha! just make sure they're back by supper." "Sure, Ma."

Zohdi stepped outside and climbed down the mountain.

"Zoody! Did'ja come to join us?" "Yep! Can I show you how to really disembowel a Feather?" "Yeah! Yeah! Go Zoody!" exclaimed Zumi.

"...All right. Just you watch."

"Seconds after fighting the Snowbird, Zohdi turned toward his siblings, expecting fear. Instead, there was a brightness in their eyes that Zohdi had never seen before. "That was AWESOME, Zohdi! Do it AGAIN!" shouted Zakaya.

"Sorry, kits. I can't. It's Suppertime, remember? Mama's special soup is tonight."

"Oh yeah! Come on, Zumi! Mama is serving her special soup tonight!" "Yeah! Special soup tonight!" copied Zumi, running after her.

Animalia ~ Book one ~ The war of the Feather and the FurWhere stories live. Discover now