Chapter Two ~ Snow

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Zohdi stepped outside in the snow, again gazing out at Animalia. He went to his small cavern and opened up the chest that was next to his bed. He opened it and pulled out a polished sword and it's sheath, as well as a well-worn notebook in which he took notes on different fighting moves and the different tribes he'd sighted in Animalia.

He scaled the mountain and walked out of the fence that divided the mountain cat territory from the others. He had never left the territory before, so Zohdi was surprised by all the scents that surrounded him. He smelled other Furs, a few other tribes, but there was one other scent that stood out to him.


Zohdi recognized that scent. He had smelled it when he was younger one night, when his mother was serving chicken soup. Except this time it was stronger. More obvious. More recent. It smelled of the dry texture of a Feather's feathers, but also smelled of deep resentment and frustration. An angry scent.

Zohdi began walking slowly and gently on the snow so that he would leave no footprints. He kept walking for what felt like hours but was really only a matter of minutes until the scent got so strong that Zohdi nearly puked. He looked ahead of him and saw an elegant form: She was clearly a Feather, as she had wings, but she was also very slender with clawed feet, which Zohdi knew since she hadn't bothered to cover up her footprints. She also had a golden comb on the top of her head.

Zohdi pulled out his notebook and flipped to his page on the Peacock Tribe. His sketches matched perfectly with the silhouette in front of him.

Zohdi accidentally dropped his notebook, which she noticed. "Who's there?" Asked the peahen. "Is someone there? Who are you?"

"I am not a friend, nor an enemy. I do not wish to harm you. Please come out of the shadows."

~Peahen P.O.V~

The peahen cautiously stepped out of the shadows and was startled by what she saw. Standing in front of her was a Fur. A strong one. "Who are you? What are you?"


Zohdi studied the slender figure in front of him. "I'm a mountain cat, as you might have guessed. I live near the top of the Northern mountains. No Feather would be able to survive up there. My name is Zohdi. And you?"

"M-my name is Aleya. I'm a Peacock. Or Peahen, in this instance." Zohdi stared at her. "And you live where?" He asked, curious.

"I live in the southern area of the jungle, far away from the other Feathers." Was her response.

"Why did you come to the mountains? It's far too cold there for a Feather."

"Orders of his majesty King Aaravos. He told me to try and capture a Fur, but I knew that I wouldn't survive the mission if I went into Fur territory. Instead, I stood outside and watched you destroy a Snowbird. Is-is that what you'll do to me?"

Zohdi looked at her with disgust. He opened his mouth and said...


Animalia ~ Book one ~ The war of the Feather and the FurWhere stories live. Discover now