Chapter Four ~ the stranger

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Zohdi walked through the jungle, searching for Aleya. He could smell her scent, but the was something else. Something stronger...

Fur. There were other Furs in the jungle. Zohdi took another step, but sensed movement to his left. Zohdi turned and saw the silhouette of a Fur. The other Fur stepped out of the shadows.

"Who are you? Why do you smell different from the other Ligers?" Asked the mysterious Fur. "You're a Liger?" Said Zohdi, astounded. "Ligers are so rare! I had no idea you were here."

"I said, who are you and why don't you smell like a Liger?" She said, more intense this time, pointing her staff at him. "I'm a mountain cat, and my name is Zohdi. Who are you, and why are you poking me with a stick? I have a sword, you know."

"My name is Olia, and I'm a Liger, as you probably have guessed. I'm poking you with a stick because the end is sharp, and you are an intruder. Now be quiet and follow me." She said, beckoning him with her paw.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! The reason these are being posted so quickly is that I'm copying and pasting it off google docs.

I hope you like it so far!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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