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After a few minutes, Murdoc walked back in. Murdoc: "Alright, do ye know how to work a register?"
"No, sorry"
Murdoc:"s'alright! here, i'll show you how it works."
He proceeded to show me how the various buttons work on the contraption. It was very odd to me, but I suppose it made sense. I could figure it out as I went along.
"Awright, I think I goddit!"
Murdoc:"Nice! You'll be fine if I leave y'at the register here, right?"
"Yeah, I'll do fine."
Murdoc:"I'll be back, figure bout an hour?"
"See ya then!"
He waltzed out of the store, his shiny black boots clicking the ground as he walked rhythmically, seemingly to the beat of a song. The bell clanged as he left, leaving me alone in the store.
After about 20 minutes a short girl covered in tattoos dragged her feet into the store, her tiny flats squeaking.
"d-do you uh... Have you seen this cat?"
She held up a picture of a black cat with piercing amber eyes, and a small white patch on its nose. I hesitated.
"No, sorry. There's a lotta stray cats down by O'Dougherty's irish pub, though. Best luck asking there."
She frowned, but her eyes looked hopefully up. "Thank you!" She left with her head pointing a little up.
'Hope she finds that cat.. Speaking of, wonder what my parents are doing with my fish now. Hope they feed her right.'
I rested your elbow onto the counter and stared at the patches in the glass case below me. Dead kennedy's, Local news legend, Korn, everything you'd expect to be in a spiffy little record shop.
I felt your head begin to split in half from stress. It was only now just hitting me.
"Am I seriously about to go live with a man I barely know? He seems dangerous.." The thought ran through my head, and made me sink deeper and deeper until I heard a small tap on the glass.
Murdoc: "Y'alright there? You needa smoke?"
He held the box to me. I'd been clean for a week. It was hell. I grabbed one.
"Fanks, mate."
Murdoc: "Always here if ya need one."
I walked through the back room and grabbed a lighter from my pocket. I never learned to properly light it, I always used my nail. They were always chipped to shit from it. I scraped my nail against the scratchy cogs of it, and held it to the cigarette. I let the smoke fill my lungs, and watched the grey smog leave my body. I coughed under my breath. It was my first moment of calm in a while.
the filter began to burn, and I threw the butt onto the ground. I gently pressed the sole of my converse sneaker onto it. It fizzled into dust.

Trans - Gorillaz AU Where stories live. Discover now