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I waltzed back into the store, and watched murdoc chat to a customer. His hair was spiked tightly up and tinted red at the tips. Murdoc's hand went limp wristed as he was blabbing. I waited in the office.
~time skip~
he rang up the customer for a Fall out boy cd. typical, but at least he was sorta punk. I must've been staring at murdoc because after the customer left he quickly whipped around. "Ah-" He blushed. I was staring at his ass.
"N.. jesus, this is awkward.."
Murdoc: "It's almost 3.We close soon, so i'll er.. Get the car started.." 
"a'ight.. I'll get me bags n' such."
He walked out, the sweat making his forehead glisten a little. I already ruined everything, didn't I?...
I grabbed my things from the back room and slung the bag over my shoulder, as my neck slumped over gently.
We got in the car, dawned with a bullet hole and 2 stars on the side.
I hopped In the back, quickly cramming my bag onto the seat beside me.
As he drove his arms were stiff, pointing straight out of his shoulders. The cup holder has a couple cigarette butts in it next to a small bag. It had a bit of white powder, presumably cocaine, but I couldn't be sure.
The ride was silent until he hit a red light.
Murdoc: "Do you err... just wanna forget about earlier?"
"Yes, definitely... Im sorry if I've been quiet, i'm nervous fo' school tomorrow."
Murdoc: "Oh, do you lot need a ride? I can take ya." He seemed excited at the opportunity.
"That'd be great! Fanks, murdoc."
Murdoc: "No problem. I assume it's not too far out?"
"Nah, It's about 10 minutes from the store."
Murdoc: "Nice, when does it start?" He seemed nervous about getting me there on time. I guess he must sleep heavy..
We chatted for a bit longer about everything and nothing.
he asked how old I was.
murdoc: "And they threw you out on the street? poor thing. You can stay at my pad for as long as ya need."
Soon enough we pulled up to his apartment complex. The building seemed to be old, made of dirty brown bricks and grout laid 200 years ago.
I stepped out of the car awkwardly as my bag pulled me to the side. I always had trouble with coordination, maybe it was the brain damage..
I followed him to the door, looking nervously at the ground.
We stepped onto the elevator and he pressed the button for 6. His long fingernail made a clack as he pressed it.
The elevator hummed gently in the background. I stared blankly at the wall, although I guess murdoc couldn't tell what I was staring at on account of my eyes.
A small ding played and we stepped out of the elevator, sluggishly dragging myself behind the green man to his room. The hallways were confusing to navigate.
He stopped abruptly and flipped through some keys, before plunging one into the door. he jiggled it and grunted, mildly angry at a minor inconvenience.
He pointed to the left. "That's the spare room, i'll be in mine." He darted off to the right with no further explanation. I stepped in. It was almost empty, spare the bed and the desk. It was better than nothing I suppose.
I but my bag on the desk before laying down on the bed. I curled into my own arms, tears slowly leaking from my 8 ball eyes. I miss mom. I miss her so much..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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