2. The Malfoy Way.

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I let out a sigh as I buttoned my shirt up to my neck while hearing my father barking orders at our House Elf.

"How could you be so irresponsible Dobby? Don't you know how important this day is for me? For Draco? You careless brat! If I ever see this next time, I shall have you whipped!! Do you understand?!"

I put my coat on and ran a brush through my hair even though that wasn't necessary. I had inherited my father's sleek platinum blonde hair and his silver grey eyes. I had my mother's pale skin and pointed face.

I kept my brush back when my mother walked into my room.

"Ready for school, sweetheart?" She smiled and I nodded, smiling back.

She came and stood behind me, holding my shoulders and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

"Time flies right? It feels like only yesterday you were crawling round the house and now you're eleven!! My Draco grew up so fast!" She stroked my hair.

I rolled my eyes. "Mother! You're being too dramatic! It's not like I'll be gone forever!" I complained.

She chuckled. "See, you're just like your father, he also gets annoyed quickly!"

"Narcissa! Is he ready?" A cold drawling voice came in my room from downstairs.

Speak of the devil.

"Yes honey!" Mother called back. "Come fast, Father must be waiting. You know how he hates it if anybody is late. Especially in such an important time like now."

I nodded. She planted a soft kiss on my forehead and looked at me from top to bottom with a proud expression before leaving the room. With one last glance back at my reflection, I stepped out of the room as Dobby, our House-elf came in and took my trunk but not before bowing to me.

I quietly took steps to our dining table for breakfast. It was a long mahogany table with chairs enough to fit a whole dynasty. My father, Lucius Malfoy was sitting at the front, the place usually meant for Head of the family. Me and Mother sat down at either sides. We are in silence for a while when Father cleared his throat.

"So, are you ready for your first year??" He asked me in a cold tone but not sounding cold, and looked at me.

"Yes!" I meekly looked up and nodded.

"You do remember the task I gave you right??"

I nodded silently again.

"Hmm.... good!! Do you think you can do it?? Can you befriend Harry Potter?"

I looked down. "I'll try my best, Father!!"

"I don't want you to try!!" He snapped suddenly to which Mother and I flinched.
"Your owl must come back with good news, do you get it? Do you want that broom or not?"

"Yes, I do!!" I nodded eagerly.

"Then you better do that task!!" He got up and went.

When he was out of earshot, I turned to my Mother and sighed.

"It's alright Draco. He's just stressed!! Our condition right now is pretty bad, you know??" Mother tried to assure.

"I sometimes feel like he doesn't love me at all!!"

"Why do you say that?? Of course he loves you. For whom do you think he's making the ends meet right now??" Mother smiled.

"But can't he be nice to me atleast once?? What wrong did I do to him?? Seeing all this, do you still want me to believe that love exists in this world??"

The "Normal" Potter (A Draco Malfoy Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora