Chapter 1

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"I miss you"

"I miss you too baby, but not long now, okay. We will see each other soon."

"How is everything going?"

"Well school sucks, but I like that it is online now, so it will be easier for when I am visiting"

"That's good, I am glad that you are liking it?"

"How is the music going?" I asked my boyfriend of 2 in a half years.

"It's going good, I am excited to get new music out." my boyfriend responded.

While Zach was sitting on FaceTime I just sat there admiring him, wishing I was there with him instead of Alaska with my dad. I can not wait until I am home so either he can come visit me or I can go visit him.



"Who is visiting who this time around?"

"I think you are coming here and maybe while you are here we can look at apartments for you?"

"That's fine."

We just sat there smiling at each other and making faces at each other, and just laughing enjoying each others presence. Zach called me while I was doing homework, so I just continued going back and forth between english and history, while he is humming a tune.

"HEY LOVEBIRDS!" I hear from the phone. I look up to see Daniel coming up behind Zach, while he groaned really loud.

"Hey Daniel." I said after I giggled at Zach

"Yes Daniel?" Zach asked while smiling big at my giggle.

"It is time for us to head to the studio to finish up everything." he replied with

"Okay I will be right there."

"Take your time, we have like 5 minutes until we need to leave."

"Bye Daniel." I said while waving, and he just waves back and walks away.

"Well, I will let you go bubba so you can go to the studio and so I can finish up my homework, and probably start packing to head home."

"Okay, I love you to the end of time."

"I love you to the end of time."

We both said bye and hung up so he could get ready for the studio and I could continue homework and get started on packing for my trip back to Las Vegas.

Zach and I have been dating for 2 and a half years, but have known each other since before the band started. I got along with all of the boys and their families, and I grew up with the Herron's before we moved to Las Vegas. My mom lives in Las Vegas for her job, and my dad lives in Alaska, because he wanted to get away from the world, and my mother.

I finished up my papers for English and history and turned them in. I looked at the time and saw that it was 8:30 so I went downstairs, ate dinner with my dad, and went back upstairs to start packing. I threw on one of Zach's sweatshirts I had stolen and a pair of shorts, and threw my hair in a bun. I put on Netflix so I had background noise while packing.

I got half way through packing when I received a text from Zach basically saying goodnight and that he loved me. I responded back with a smile on my face and finished packing. Afterwards I lied down in bed and fell asleep.



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If you can't tell, I am cold 🥶


User: It looks pretty tho

User2: Damn look at the view... and the sky 🤤

Imzachherron: Well maybe you should have put a sweatshirt or coat on.

macie.conners: Shut up, it wasn't cold when I left. 😌

Beautychickee: Pretty Pretty 😍

macie.conners: that is all you gurl 😉

Jackaverymusic: This just reminds me to never go to Alaska 😂

macie.conners: I am dragging you with me next time just because of that comment 😒

User3: I love her friendship with the boys

User4: same

Authors Note

Hey everyone! Hope you liked the first chapter of Long Distance. I am trying something new with the social media part, so bear with me. This is also placed late 2018 like November.

Long Distance -- Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now