chapter 2

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Adams POV

It feels like it's been forever since my pack died. I don't remember how it happened or why it happened to my pack of all packs but it did so there's nothing I can do about it now. All that I know is that I was woken up and taken to Jake, not that my parents even knew who he was. I'm in 10th grade now, almost 11th because I only have a week left in this school year. I'll be transferring into a high school as well as a pack in that time. The pack is in the next town over so none of my friends will be there. Jake has to set things up for me to be safe. Once I'm out of school thou he'll be leaving me in the new pack to be happy with my mate. I'm not looking forward to the day that he leaves after all he's all I have had for the longest time. There's nothing I can do thou but hope that his mates in the new pack. If his mate is there he can't leave it as easily. I hope that he'll find his mate soon, though. He deserves it because he's been there for a stranger's child and raised the child like it was his own. I know that he did not like werewolf's but he still raised one. I wish the best for him. Ever since my parents died he's been taking me out to the movies, mall, Amusement parks. I asked why he always did this he said it was for two reasons,


"the first is so you get a grip on the world around you that the humans run, and the second is because you don't need to focus on the bad things in your own life but the good" He said pointing to the air as though he was saying that everyone would understand. He always talked as  if everything he said was as factual as the stars.

*flashback end* 

he then predeceased to let me run wild. It's because of him that I am who I turned out to be. I have had a crush on Jake since he had taken me in. I know that he is not my mate another wise he would have told me, and I would have felt it with the bond. I can't help having a crush on him. he's nice to almost everyone and easy to get along with. Plus how good looking he is, he has blond hair that reaches just to his shoulders, his hair covers his left eye but his right eye is a beautiful blue. I asked about his left eye he said that he got into a fight with a vampire once and now his eye has a scar on it. At first glance, he looks to be about my age but he's only 28. he was barely 21 when he took me in. I can always talk to him about almost anything. There is only one thing off limits no matter what and that thing is his real family. he only told me that if I met anyone with the same last name to finish the conversation and walk away as fast as possible. I wonder why he said that I guess that I might never know.

the alpha and HIS mateUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum