Episode 1: Rise Of The Red Ranger (part 1)

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An horrifying yet beautifully crafted space ship floated above earth. In the main cockpit of the ship, a woman sat on one of the three thrones. She was busy painting her nails with a bright red color

"Ugh, if I have to wait one more day for this mission to begin, I'll lose it" she complained

The automatic door opened and a creature walked in and the door closed with a hissing sound

"Ugh, how long does it take for something to become operational. It's getting boring in here" The creature said

Lady Vellvin looked up from her nails.
"Tell me about it." She said "Are you sure this plan will work?" She asked

"It's a foolproof plan, nothing like what I've come up with before. Now if...no, when the second phase of the plan is completed it's only a matter of time till we take over the world" Lord Vendox said and laughed evilly

Lady Vellvin smiled.
"I like the sound of that" she said and went back to painting her nails


In a nice brick house somewhere in the woods, Dash tap rapidly on the keyboard connected to his computer. The world would probably go up in flames and he won't even notice. That's how concentrated he was.

"It can't be" he said looking at the screen in front of him

"What can't be?" Camila asked walking into the underground base their dad had built

Dash turned to his younger sister and frowned

"Weren't you supposed to be in school, like two minutes ago?" He asked

"Well, yeah but what did you find?" Camila asked

"Get to school, Mila. I'll tell you when you return" Dash said turning back to his computer "And make sure to not run away with any guy." He said

"Aren't you going to drive me?" Camila asked

"Sorry Mila, I've got something to take care of today" Dash replied

"Okay. See ya" Camila said

"Bye" Dash said absentmindedly

Camila left the underground base.
The computer gave a beeping sound and Dash drew closer to it as if to see more clearly. Sure enough, the system showed a strong energy reading in the woods

"There's something out there" Dash said. He tried to pinpoint the source of the energy
After a few more minutes, he found what he was looking for but also something he wasn't looking for.

"Is that a.... human?" Dash asked himself confused.

"The red dino spiritgems can't bound with a human"

"No way. An alien?!" Dash said.

He got up, grabbed his keys and headed out of the house.


Deep in the wood, a boy lay on the cold hard ground motionless for a while then the person stirred.
The boy slowly opened his eyes and looked straight ahead

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