Episode 5: Dino Team A

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Nathan stood outside the training center holding his new red laptop. His eyes focused on the screen then his eyes focused on his team mates whom where having a simulation training, their sixth one since their first battle. They were all wearing the same jackets but with their dinosaurs heads on the front, a parasaur, a stegosaur, a raptor and triceratop

"How are they doing?" Dash asked coming to stand next to the red ranger

"What do you think. Same as the last five times. Noah can't stand Logan and never listens to his commands. Finley tends to lose concentration when they Logan and Noah begin fighting each other and Emma, well she's always trying to knock some sense into the guys. It's like a never ending maze" Nathan said then sighed

"What's wrong?" Dash asked

"I know is said I wanted team mates but this....this is just sad. At this rate, we would never be able to form the megazord or combine our weapons" Nathan said

"They'll learn. Just don't give up on them" Dash said and Nathan nodded

He looked at his screen again and saw the bold red writing. The training room turned back to how it originally looked like with the rangers on the ground

"Simulation Over" He said and closed up the laptop "That was below average, again"

Emma got up looking angry. Well, they all looked angry, all but Finley

"I can't believe you guys blew it again" Emma said glaring at the three guys

"Hey, it was Noah. If he listened....." Logan started

"So it's my fault? I don't see why Nate said you should lead" Noah said poking Logan's chest

Finley turned to Dash and Nathan
"Why can't we do this? Why do we keep on failing every time?" He asked

"Well maybe if you guys stop blaming each other and questioning who the leader is, you'll have a better chance of winning." Nathan said and looked at his laptop
"It'll be in the mainframe if you want to relieve any of it"

Dash and Nathan walked away leaving the remaining rangers to themselves

Nathan dropped his laptop on the table. Camila was working on her system which was right next to Dash's

"About the megazords, I figured out how to combine them last night. Codes and all" he said

"Last night? Do you ever sleep?" Camila asked

"That's not important right now." Nathan said
"I figured out how to call the zord and form the megazord but right now, we can only combine three at a time. We need two more zords to combine with mine"

"And the problem with that is?" Camila asked

"I don't think the others are ready to use the dinozord power"Dash said

"My thoughts exactly but luckily, I have a plan" Nathan said


"Umm, we need something to lure the rangers out. The red ranger seems to never leave they're base wherever that is" Lord Vendox said pacing back and forth

"Let's just send down an alien." Lady Vellvin said sounding bored

"General Vendicom" Lord Vendox called

The automatic door opened and the general walked in. He stood before the Lord

"You called my Lord?" He said

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