Episode 9: Fear

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Nathan and Camila are in the training room. It's a Saturday so the younger girl didn't have to worry about school.
Nathan was shirtless and for an Android, his body build up looked like that of a football player.

In front of the were a roll of racers. Four were already finished and Nathan was doing some final checking on the last one

"Man, there going to love these" Camila exclaimed excitedly. She was happy she got to help build these racers.

Nathan had started working on them when the others became ranger but kept them out if sight. He had only asked for Camila's help two weeks ago. Two weeks in which the other rangers weren't allowed in the base. Even Dash haven't have a glimpse of them

"I hope so." Nathan said and got up. His hands was dirty "That should do it. I readjusted the laser shooters. It should work perfectly"

"So you mean, they will shoot laser beams out of the eyes too?" Camila asked

"What eyes?" Nathan asked back

The girl pointed out the small eyes on the red racer and Nathan chuckled

"Nope. Just from the blasters" He said pointing to the two laser blasters attached under the racer Trex like head. He then picked a towel
"And Mila, those aren't eyes" he said again

"Well they look like small animated eyes to me. Really cute ones too" Camila said patting the racers 'head'

Nathan shook his head smiling. He picked his clothes from one of the two benches in the training room and began putting it on

"You know, if it was any other girl or guy right now, they'll be falling head first at the sight" Camila said pointing at his body

"No they won't Mila" Nathan said

"Mmm, you never know, someone here might have a thing for you" Camile said and wiggled her brows

Nathan rolled his eyes at the girl
"You can let Dash in now. I bet he'll kill to see them. I'll call the others" he said nodded towards the racer

The younger girl nodded and went to get her brother


Logan, Finley, Noah and Emma are at Finley's house. The green ranger parents were at work. The four ranger won't have been together but they are cause the only female in their group sounded like she was going to have a cow over the phone and had threatened them into coming to Finley's place

Logan is wearing a black shirt under his jacket and black jean.

Finley is wearing a green shirt under his jacket and a faded blue jean.
Noah is wearing a blue polo shirt and black trousers, his jacket laying on his lap.
Emma is wearing a yellow top under her jacket and a short black skirt. Her blond hair was packed in a yellow hairband

The guys sat on the couch facing the TV trying to watch but the girl kept pacing back and forth in front of the TV

Logan groaned
"Emma, could you just sit?. You forced us to come here and you won't let us watch TV too?" He asked

The yellow ranger stopped and glared at the black ranger

Logan gulped and lean into the coach
"Nevermind" he said

"I cannot believe Nathan locked us out of the base for two weeks without a reason. Two weeks! And Dash agreed" Emma exclamed

"So that's what this is all about!" Noah said only to receive a glare too and he went quite

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