Episode 14: Field Trip

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"Are we there yet?" Finley asked for what seemed like the hundred time in two hours

"No" Noah replied for the hundred time in two hours

The rangers are currently in the ranger transport van to their way to the location of the dino spiritgems. The van was white on the outside with the ranger logo on the sides. The inside was rather cosy.

Behind the driver and passenger seat were ten black seats, five on each sides facing each other and a iron table in the middle.

Currently, Nathan is driving with Logan at the passenger seat.

Camila and Emma are sitting opposite each other with a board game between them on the table. Noah and Finley are watching them play. Well, Noah watching them play and Finley just being Finley

"Are we there..."
"Seriously Finley, stop asking. We'll get there when we get there" Noah said cutting him off "god, you are so unbearable sometimes"

"He's not. Wanna know what's unbearable? Having to sit through a car ride for three hours listening to songs Emma picked. I mean, who listens to this stuff" Logan groaned reaching for the front to change the music

"Actually, what's unbearable is the big elephant in the car" Emma said and turned to the red ranger who was driving
"Seeing as we'll be in this car for the next one hour or so, you might want to start talking"

Camila looked at the front and her eyes caught the red ranger's on the mirror

Nathan only grunted in reply and turned the music up

"Oh my ears!" Finley exclaimed and Logan turned to music back down and look at Nathan

"You promised" Emma said

"Oh god, I swear you can be so annoying when you want to be" Nathan said "Fine. What do you want to know?"

Emma grinned and made a move on the game
"You do realize you're giving her a green light to asking you anything right?" Camila asked the leader

Nathan took a quick look back at the only none ranger with them
"I know I'm mostly going to regret it" he said

"Okay now that's all settled, let's begin the interview" Emma said "How old exactly are you?" She asked and Camila almost face palmed on the table

"That's a dumb question. It's obvious he's seventeen or eighteen the most" Logan said

"I don't know" Nathan said deciding to answer as honestly as he could and Camila was happy he didn't lie

"What do you mean you don't know. You don't know if you want to tell us your age or you don't know how old you are?" Finley asked

"I don't know how old I am" Nathan said grabbing the steering wheel tightly
"And before anyone asks, I also don't know where I'm from, who my parents are or even how I found my dino spiritgem. I don't remember"

"What? Like you have amnesia?" Noah asked

"I guess" Nathan replied

"What happened?" Logan asked

"I just said I don't remember!" Nathan snapped. The car became silent and Nathan sighed "I'm.. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you guys. It's just..I don't like talking about it. I don't remember anything.. absolutely nothing from before I woke up in the woods with the red gem. It's like someone decided to take an eraser and erase all of my memories" He said

"Maybe you got into some sort of accident?" Emma asked

"Unlikely. An accident couldn't have removed all of my memories and when I woke up, I didn't have a scratch on me" Nathan reply

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