Episode 4: School Trip (part two)

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Nathan stopped at the place where the cave was supposed to be. He frowned and looked around then back at his morpher

"That doesn't make any sense" He said to himself

His morpher beeped and Dash came up on the screen

"Did you find anything?" Dash asked

"Nothing. Are you sure you sent me the correct location?" Nathan asked

"Yes." Dash replied
The attack alarm went off in the base and Dash checked the attack screen next to his computer

"Forgot the gems for now. We've got problem" he said

"Where?" Nathan asked. A loud growl made him turn around

"A short distance from where you are." Dash said and the morpher screen went blank

"Dino morpher" Nathan called and pressed 1-0-5 on his morpher
"Go, Dino Force" he said and pressed the enter button

The red light surrounded him and exploded to leave him morphed. He took off in the direction to growl had came from

Power Rangers Dino Force


Nathan - Red Dino Ranger
Logan Hendrix - Black Dino Ranger
Noah Easton - Blue Dino Ranger
Finley Hutton - Green Dino Ranger
Emma Wilson - Yellow Dino Ranger


Camila Lincoln - The Rangers Assist Tech
Dash Lincoln - The Rangers Mentor/Guardian of the dinogems
Nathan - The Rangers Tech


Lord Vendox - Leader Of The Aliens
Lady Vellvin - Lord Vendox wife
General Vendicom - Lord Vendox Right Hand Man

Power Rangers Dino Force!!

Logan, Finley, Noah and Emma turned to see the one thing they were hoping not to see.

Logan, Finley, Noah and Emma turned to see the one thing they were hoping not to see

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"Give me the gems" buzzer said

The team took a careful step backwards

"What should we do?" Emma asked in a whisper

"Run?" Noah whispered back

"What? He'll just chase us" Finley said

"Give me the spiritgems and I'll spare you" The aliens said again talking a threatening step forward

"Spiritgems?" Logan said and looked at the black stone he was holding

"It's still not late to run" Noah said when the creature moved again.

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