The beginning

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     I was left in my room by my father, he said he had business to take care of, that I was to eat my dinner alone in my room and not come out until the
     I never understood why my parents always kept me hidden, I was nobody special. Just an 18 year old wolf with blonde hair, blue eyes, and light skin, I was just the shy alphas daughter.
    My body aches from not shifting, I can feel my wolf drift further away each time I have to wait. I sigh and open the container with my burgers for dinner, when all the sudden I catch a scent that makes my mouth water, even more so than food. I try to contain myself but my wolf is awakened, jumping in my mind forcing me to explore.

    My father would have my head if he knew I was sneaking out, but I had to figure out what the intoxicating scent was. I crack open my door and peak both ways before tiptoeing in the hallway, down the stairs, and to the front door. Focusing on the scent, it was coming from my fathers office where he deals with pack business, was this his secret visitor? I walked outside shutting the front door behind me, stripped my clothes and began to shift, I needed to be as stealthy as possible. The change happened quickly, my skin being transformed into a bundle of perfect white fur. I let my wolf lead us, bolting away from the house, I felt so free, the cold wind running through my fur, with a determination I didn't know I could have for this scent. When I got close to my fathers office the smell was stronger now, it was woodsy yet sweet, I had to peak.
    Still in wolf form I put my paws on the windowsill and glanced into the office window, only to find two gorgeous honey brown eyes staring back at me.

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