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    John called my mate a royal, I had many thoughts in my head, my mates wolf definitely seemed to give off a different power, but royals were simply unheard of anymore. Also, John and his wife couldn't have given birth to her since they weren't royals. Did someone drop her off to them? Did they steal her and keep her hidden so nobody found out? I didn't care the reason.
    "She will be safer with me John, you can't keep her from me, you know what'll happen if you try." John sighed, " It's late, let's talk about this tomorrow please." My mate shifted into her human form, she was just as breath taking as her wolf. Beautiful hair, eyes, a shy smile as she slightly covered up her naked body. "My name is Damon, I am an alpha lycan, and your mate, I'd like for you to come back to my pack with me." I held my breath waiting for her to answer. "I'd like that very much." She blushed hard, I took in all of her features, pleased with her answer and shyness.
    John cleared his throat, "Katie I will walk you back to your room so we can talk, Damon you are welcome to stay in one of the rooms in the guest house." I said my thanks and walked away, a lot on my mind. I was going to take my mate home, protect her, find out everything about her, and love her with all that I can.

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