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Chapter 7

Arthit's POV

I'm here in my apartment alone,watching some videos in my phone then suddenly Tutah text me.

'Come here down we're here we will go somewhere' he text.

'where we will go?' i reply.

'just go downstairs. In the parking lot' he replied.

'fine,i will take a bath first' i replied then i go to the bathroom.

I just finish taking a bath then i realized i forgot my towel outside. I was planning to get it outside then a memory flash on my mind.


"Kongpob" I shouted from the bathroom cause i forgot my towel outside.

"Yes? P'Arthit" he answered.

"Did you see my towel? I forgot it there" I asked to him.

"Yes P'Athit" He replied.

"Can you please give my towel to me" i asked again.

Then he knocked from the door. I open the door but the only he can see is my head and neck because i hide my body in the door.

"Where's my towe?" I asked again.

"Here" he said then he showed me my towel.

"Give that to me" i said then try to get the towel.

"I will give it to you if you let me in" He said then smirk.

"KONGPOB" i shouted.

"Yes P'Arthit" he said while smiling to me.

"Give that to me" i said frustrated.

"Okay khrap" he said then he give my towel. I close the door frustratedly.

"If you want to come in,just come in don't ask me, I'm shy to answer" i said to my mind.

-End of Flashback-

I smile when that flash comes in my mind then a tear from my eyes drop. I swipe it quickly.

I come out to the bathroom and get my towel then i wear clothes then i go downstairs.

I'm here in the parking lot,looking for Tutah then a white van stopped in front of me and 2 people come out of the van. They wore black shirt and black mask while holding a black plastic.

Thrid person POV

While Arthit was looking for Tutah Two people from the van put Arthit' head in the black plastic then they put Arthit inside the van. They drove fast so that if someone See's what they do they will not get caught.

*Kongpob's Pov*

I just go out of the bathroom when i hear a lot of talking so i decided to go to the living room thinking it might be the my "Lover" sa dad said

When i get there i saw a beautiful lady with a man and woman beside her

"Well maybe her parents"Kongpob said in his mind.

Even though he said the girl was beautiful,yes it's true but he couldn't feel any excitement when he saw her it's like he never really love her

"Is dad lying to me?"Kongpob ask himself and shook his head

"Nahh i know dad wouldn't lie to me maybe just because i lost some memories"he make himself believe

"Oh son you're already here,well let me introduce you Olivia you're fiance"His dad said

"Oh sawadee krup"Kongpob said and wai'ed them

"Ahmm Olivia can i talk to you darling?"Kongpob's mom said

"Sure auntie"Olivia said

*Kongpob's mom Pov*

"Why do you want to talk to me auntie?"Olivia said

"Well darling can you do me a favor?"Kongpob's mom said

"Sure auntie what is it?"Olivia said

Kongpob's mom smirked as she tell her the"Favor".

*Kongpob's Pov*

When My mom and Olivia came back ask her what they talk about but she just smile at me weirdly and leave me with Olivia.

Third person's POV

Arthit was trying to fight on the kidnappers but he can't cause they were so many. So he act like he was asleep. Then he heard the one kidnapper talking on the phone.

"Where are you two?" Kidnapper 1 said.

"We're on our way" Person on the phone said.

"Okay we're here now. Bye" Kidnapper 1 said then off the phone.

They stop in front of Maggie Choo's.

"Wake up" Kidnapper 2 said.

"Who are you? Where are we?" Arthit said while trying to fight.

"Just stay still" Kidnapper 3 said.

They go out of the van then they pull the plastic on Arthit's head so he can see where they at.

"Who are you? Why are we at the Maggie Choo's?" Arthit said.

The pull out the mask in their head so Arthit can recognize them

"SURPRISE" they all shout.

"WHAT THE FUCK" Arthit shout too.

"Why the hell you all guyz bring me here?" Arthit ask.

"Nothing,we just wanted you to forget what happened to Kongpob" Tutah said.

"But wait where's Day and Tew? M ask.

"Day said they're on they're way" May said.

"Okay, let's wait them inside" Tutah said.

"Wait,wait why do we need to go inside?" Arthit ask.

"To have fun" M said.

"In gay bar?" Arthit ask again.

"What's wrong in gay bar?" Stranger said.

"Sorry, there's nothing wrong in gay bar,but I'm not gay" Arthit said.

"What did you say again Arthit?" Em tease Arhit.

"Stop you two" May said. "Let's go inside" May added.

And they go inside. They force Arthit to go inside.


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