A Nightmare Within the Branches

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The setting sun cast a warm hue upon the trees in our little area of the woods, the autumnal colors of the trees making it look as if a burst of color had exploded upon our small section of the Earth. Leaves of various colors whispering rushed goodbyes to the trees as they fell delicately to the soft ground. Half a mile away, a large house sat on a hill, staining this peaceful area with all of its darkness.

This would all be quite picturesque if it weren't for the fact that I was running for my life.

My hastily packed rucksack repetitively banged against my knees as I searched for a hiding place deep within the gloomy region of the woods. I spotted a large dark oak tree with enough branches to hold a dozen people climbing at once. It's perfect. I climbed up about 30 feet in the air and nestled myself in the branches, holding my breath in fear.


"Come out, come out, sweetheart! I don't bite.... much." A scratchy voice screamed out amongst the trees.

Greyback had been calling this out for an hour by now, hoping I would entertain his idea of a joke. By this point I had climbed precariously higher into the tree, hoping Greyback wouldn't be able to smell me from up here; the musk of nature blotting out my scent. I gently hit my head against the base of the tree looking up at the brightest star I could find; my gaze found its way to the star Sirius. It had been the only thing keeping me company and giving me hope throughout this dreadful nightmare. That's when I heard the voices beneath my small nest.

"It's no use, we aren't going to find the brat. It's getting too dark and Greyback says he hasn't smelt her anywhere in these woods." A man with a deep rumbling voice was speaking with a lilt of an Irish accent. I let out a quiet sigh of relief.

"We can't come back empty-handed; you know the Dark Lord doesn't do well when we disappoint him."

I choked on the air I had quickly inhaled. My father, I hadn't expected him of all people to come looking for me. I knew he hated me but I never thought... well I should've assumed he would come out here, ready to throw his daughter to the wolves to rise in power. It was his addiction, power; that and the firewhisky that always left him reeking with a foul smell of alcohol and piss.

"Well, we can't very well spend the night looking for her! We were supposed to go on a mission tonight, a mission the Dark Lord still wants us to complete!" The other man growled at him.

"Fine. We will be continuing this search tomorrow, who knows what the nasty brat could do if we let her get too far." My father spoke in a clipped, imperialistic tone; a tone he used to try and present that he was still a 'pureblood' even though he married a muggle and had a bastard child.

"Greyback! We're leaving, c'mon!" The Irish man called out.

Greyback looked rather sullen, "Damn, I thought I would be getting some fresh blood tonight."

"We'll find you someone on the mission as long as you move your arse along, we cannot keep the Dark Lord waiting!" My father admonished Greyback.

Greyback bared his sharpened teeth in fury, "You watch your tone when you talk to me or your daughter won't be the only half-breed in the family."

They hastily walked on through the trees, my father keeping a fair distance away from Greyback after that last threat. I released the breath I had been holding, realizing this was my one and only chance to get out of this wretched place before they came back. I jerkily moved down the branches, the darkness making it much harder to be able to tell which branches would hold my weight. I stayed slightly behind the tree line, making my way towards the road, towards the city and safety. I reached the long winding road that led from our house to the city, I was miles from where I needed to be. So with my Hogwarts letter clutched tightly in my shaking hand, I began the journey that would take me towards London. This was going to be one hell of an adventure.

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