Mad Hatters and Cheshire Cats

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The food from the feast disappeared with a quick pop, just like it had arrived. I felt immensely full, having made food my main priority after the sorting, even when the others tried to gain my attention. The boys obviously didn't understand that I considered food more important than small talk and it showed when Sirius gave me an incredulous face when I waved him off with my hand every time he tried to talk to me. And he still hadn't understood when I slapped his hand from trying to take the last slice of chocolate pie; like I was going to give that up without a fight. As if.

Now full and happy, we all trailed behind the prefects that were leading us up a million stairs and down a gazillion hallways. I'm beginning to understand why Hogwarts doesn't have an exercise class, many schools I heard of had at least one. I was getting more tired by the second and it didn't help that Sirius was talking excitedly to James, Remus, and I and was bouncing as he walked; I swear he looked like an excited puppy more often than not. James talked animatedly right back and I couldn't help but smile at their instant camaraderie, if I hadn't seen them meet on the train I would think that they had known each other for years. Remus stayed quiet, often directing his gaze toward his shoes and almost looking left out from the other boys' excitability and friendship.

I nudged Remus with my shoulder, "Those two are mental bouncing about like that. Honestly, where did they get all that energy from?"

Remus seemed to brighten slightly, "I don't know, I've never had that much energy as those two have. It's like they're on a constant sugar high."

I chuckled and pointed out certain things I had noticed along the way, like how the armor sets almost seemed to move every so often. We laughed and continued our easy conversation until we got to a large portrait of a round lady in a pink dress, holding a glass of champagne in her hand and taking hearty sips from it.

"This is the Fat Lady, she guards the entrance to the common room. To get into the common room you must tell her a password, we change the password every term so make sure to get the new password from a prefect." The frizzy-haired witch I came to know as Clara Morgan, told us.

"The Fat Lady? That seems like quite a rude name to give the portrait," Remus whispered next to me indignantly. The Fat Lady seemed to notice Remus' comment and raised her champagne glass in cheers. Remus flushed, looking quite embarrassed that she had heard.

The other prefect, Nico Bennette, cleared his throat, "The password for this term is bowtruckle. Be sure not to forget it or share it with any members of another house." He looked awkward, as if he didn't want to be here leading a bunch of kids around.

Morgan rolled her eyes, " Alright girls dormitories are to the left, and boys dormitories are to the right. I'll show you girls where your rooms are and Nico will show the boys to theirs."

Morgan waved her hand, motioning for us to follow her. She quickly said the password and the Fat Lady opened with a slurred "Ta", she seemed quite incoherent from the effects of the champagne by this point.

We walked in and my mouth dropped open in awe. If there were a heaven I would say this room was it. The walls were a dark maroon with golden trimming, the dark oak floors, and the warm light that shone from the giant fireplace accenting every little detail. To the right of the room, there were cushy chairs and a large couch, surrounding a coffee table with an abandoned chess set sitting on it. To the left of the room, there were various tables and desks set about for studying, with bookcases lining the walls here and there. A large, magnificent portrait of Godric Gryffindor and a lion sat above the fireplace; surprisingly it seemed to be a muggle painting, not moving whatsoever. Students milled about the room, some seeming to be gossiping, others playing games such as exploding snap and wizarding chess. Fabian and Gideon were in a corner of the room standing on top of a table and doing a theatrical performance. I grinned, never having been happier with the change of scenery from my dark and dusty home.

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