The Sorting Hat's Song

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Upon closer inspection, I could see that the stern woman had auburn hair, tied up in a large knot on her head. Her blue-green eyes surveyed us with a concealed interest; she clapped her hands together twice in quick succession.

"Welcome to your first year at Hogwarts, I'm Professor McGonagall." She said in a thick Scottish accent and gave us all a small smile, "I know that you're all probably quite hungry.."

Sirius' stomach growled as if it was agreeing with her and James and I had to try not to laugh.

She continued on, ignoring our slight giggling. "And there is a wonderful feast just beyond these doors, but first we must sort you into your houses. If you would just follow me." She beckoned us forward with a wave of her hand and with a swish of her maroon robes, walked on at a brisk pace.

We all scrambled forward, wanting to keep up with her. As we were walking I caught glimpses of moving paintings, a maze of staircases, and many, many doors that I assumed led to different classrooms. Professor McGonagall opened the doors to where we were going to be sorted, the Great Hall. It was as if we were walking into a dream come true. There were four large tables filled with many students talking and drinking pumpkin juice, leading to a large row of tables set up at the front. The ceiling reflected the dazzling night sky and floating candles lit up the room with an orange hue. In the very front of the room stood a tall, rickety stool which sat a very old and frumpled looking hat.

McGonagall walked us up to the stool and motioned for us to be quiet as Albus Dumbledore stood up from where he sat in the center of the teachers' table, looking rather peculiar with his long auburn beard clashing with his pale yellow robes.

"Welcome back to another great year of Hogwarts!" Dumbledore exclaimed, "I can imagine that you all are very hungry, but Mr. Filch has asked me to go over a few rules. There are to be no fanged frisbees, dung bombs, biting teacups, or any fireworks in this castle. Curfew is at 10, please refrain from being out past that time unless you are Head boy, Head girl, or one of our various prefects. Lastly, and most importantly, everyone is expressly forbidden from going into the Forbidden Forest. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, I believe it's time for a song." With that, Dumbledore sat back down and looked towards the brown hat.

To my surprise, the hat moved and seemed to yawn before breaking out into a song.

Welcome, one and all, to Hogwarts school

Here you will learn new charms and spells-

That can be used in simple tasks, or perhaps, a duel,

Whatever you may use it for only time will tell.

You'll make new friends with magic folk of all kinds

That are here because they earned their spot

For here you will find-

That you matter and blood status does not

Now I must split you up

Into the houses Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff

So that your mind no longer ponders-

Where it is that you shall wander

Maybe you'll be in Gryffindor, where the bravest of the brave dwell

Those who have mischief and strong loyalty as well

Or perhaps you'll be in Ravenclaw, a house built on knowledge

A place where your brains will always be acknowledged

Shall it be Hufflepuff, the kindest of the lot

I Solemnly Swear: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now