A Scarf For Every Day of the Week

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I woke up, groaning at the sunlight that made its way into the room; blinding me in all its hateful glory. I slowly sat up and realized I was the only one left in bed, the other girls had already left for breakfast.

'So much for friendship," I thought bitterly, hopping out of bed and running to brush my teeth.

After brushing my teeth and throwing my hair into a messy bun, I grabbed a red and black plaid skirt and a black sweater and threw them both on quickly. Slipping my robes over my head I looked at my tie, knowing that this was going to be a battle. After struggling for a solid five minutes I ceded and just let the tie remain un-tied, both sides of it hanging limply from around my collar. I all but jumped into a pair of black boots and ran down the spiral staircase. Just as I made my way down into the common room, expecting everyone to be at breakfast, I slammed into someone and fell backward.

"Do you always have to run into me? Is this how you greet people?" I looked up to see Sirius Black looking down at me, chuckling slightly.

"No, just you, Black," I said as he pulled me up by my arm.

He scowled at the nickname, "Ugh, we're friends, call me Sirius."

James was standing to the side, smiling, "Do you not know how to tie your tie, or is that just a style?"

"Oh, it's totally a style! Haven't you seen? In all the new fashion magazines they're wearing it exactly like this." I said jokingly as we made our way down to the Great Hall.

Sirius looked intrigued, "Really? Is that the new thing?" He asked, looking down at his tie self consciously.

Oh, this will be fun.

I put on my most innocent and kind expression, "Definitely! Everyone who's anyone where's it like this now."

James looked at me suspiciously, not seeming to believe that it was actually a style trend. Sirius, on the other hand, was now working on untying his perfectly tied tie. I was trying to hold back my laughs and tried to control my face as we continued walking down, I couldn't believe that had worked.

We made it to the Great Hall and I caught sight of Remus and waved, he waved back as Sirius, James, and I made our way over to him. Remus looked slightly worse for wear, his skin was pale and he had large dark circles beneath his eyes, making him look rather sickly.

"Are you okay, Remus? You look as if you're ill." I said, looking at him in concern.

His eyes shot up to my face and he quickly replied, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired is all, I couldn't sleep very well last night."

Something was off about his tone, but I let it go; turning to focus on the toast that had appeared in front of me. All of a sudden, I saw a flash of red-hair and someone huffed as they sat next to me, dropping their book on the table with a heavy thud.

I looked over at Lily to see her looking slightly outraged, "Merlin, are you alright Lily?"

She turned towards me to reply, "Yeah, I thought about it last night and decided I was going to stay in Gryffindor. But I still want to hang out with Sev so I went to go sit at the Slytherin table," I could hear James gasp beside me, obviously eavesdropping, "but Sev told me to come and sit over here! Ugh, I don't see what the problem is. Just because we're in different houses doesn't mean we can't talk to each other!" She finished this, sounding slightly less furious now that she'd gotten her rant out.

"Lily, it'll be fine, I promise you. I'm sure he just wants to have a chance to make some new friends first," She looked ready to rant again so I quickly finished, "I'm sure if you talk to him he'll hang out after classes, later today."

I Solemnly Swear: Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora