Go On, Snivelly

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I woke up to the sound of loud laughing and someone boasting loudly about.... book stacking? I opened my eyes and went to sit up when all of a sudden a large pile of books fell onto my lap with a large thud.

"What in the-" I looked up to see James Potter leaning towards my seat, a book in his hand, looking as if he was going to place it on top of my head. He looked panic-stricken, like a deer caught in headlights. Suddenly it made sense, they had been stacking books on top of my head to see how many they could stack before it would topple over. My expression of bewilderment turned to a glare as I looked between the wheezing Sirius and panicking James. I grabbed a book in each hand and hit them both over the head in retaliation.

"Hey! That's the second time you've messed up my hair today!" Sirius grumbled, looking at his reflection in the window to try and fix the mess that was his hair.

"Well, you deserved it," I replied, smirking.

I looked to my left to see that Remus had fallen asleep too... and that he had an equally large stack of books atop his head. I moved to pick the books up and off his head when I heard an agitated shout.

"Hey, leave those there! We almost got to 20!" James whined.

I ignored his antics and placed the stack of books on the floor in front of them. All of a sudden, our compartment door burst open to reveal a girl with emerald eyes and fiery, red hair. Remus startled awake and all of us looked up at the girl in curiosity.

"Uh, hi. I'm Lily Evans, have any of you seen a brown rat? Some boy lost it and it's causing quite the commotion in many of the girls' compartments." Evans said this in quick succession, seeming rather frantic.

I looked over at the boys to see Sirius still fixing his hair and James staring dopey-eyed at Evans, so I spoke up first, "I don't think we've seen a rat here, sorry. I'd be happy to help you look for it if you wanted."

"Y- yeah! I can help too!" James quickly added, still looking at the girl.

Lily looked at James, seemingly surprised by his abruptness. "Er, no. We have enough people looking for it, but I appreciate your offer." She replied looking at me.

"Well, good luck!"I said quickly, as she sped off.

James, still in a slight daze for some apparent reason mumbled something along the lines of "blimey" and slouched back in his seat. I smirked at his reaction to the red-head and turned to see Remus staring at the large stack of books in confusion.

"How did those get there?" He pointed at the books and looked suspiciously at me, James, and Sirius.

I rose my hands up in defense, "Hey don't look at me, look at those baboons."

Sirius and James both snickered and then innocently said, "Oh, they're just a bit of light reading."

"Yeah, never you mind, Lupin," James added with a mischievous smile.

I rolled my eyes, wondering how much longer it would take to get to Hogwarts. I poked Remus in the shoulder and pointed to his old watch, "What time is it?"

Looking down at his watch, he replied, "About eight o'clock. We must be there sometime soon."

He couldn't have been more right because as soon as he had said it, a small form of the castle appeared in the distance.

"Oh my lord! We forgot to put on our robes!" Sirius exclaimed, diving for his trunk and wrestling out a ball of black clothing.

The other boys and I did the same, I threw my robe on over my outfit, hoping none of my clothes were visible from underneath the robes. Tucking some loose strands of blonde hair behind my ears, I jumped up on the seat and began to wrestle with my trunk. Sirius, seeing me struggle yet again, stood up, grabbed it, and handed me the trunk with a quick wink. I murmured a small thank you and looked through my belongings, making sure everything was still there. After I had locked my trunk back up and stuffed my wand in my pocket, I could feel the train come to a slow stop. We all looked at each other with wide, excited eyes. This was it!


We quickly shoved our way off the train, too excited to care that we were annoying the other inhabitants. We jumped off the train and stared up in awe at the sight of the castle. It was magnificent, you could feel the magic that just radiated off of the whole place. The castle was made out of a dull gray stone, with a giant, indigo lake sitting towards the left of it. With the ominous mountains in the background and the luminous stars shining in the sky, you felt as if you were in a movie it was so perfect. That is until I felt someone shove me roughly; sending me sprawling on the ground. I skinned my elbow and I was sure a stick got stuck in my hair/; I looked up in fury at whoever had done it.

They had hell to pay for ruining my first moment at Hogwarts.

"Hey! Why did you push her down?" I could see Sirius speaking to someone angrily, almost looking ready to fight.

I stood up and saw a boy who looked like he hadn't showered a day in his life. He had long greasy black hair and a hooked nose that he currently had raised up in the air, attempting to look like a prominent person. However, even I could notice the tattered state of his robes.

"I didn't mean to push her," The git looked at me with a disliking, "but she shouldn't have been standing in the middle, just asking to be shoved."

I walked up to Sirius and put a hand on his arm, hopefully sending him the message that now was not the time to be fighting with random students.

"Yes, well maybe you should use those things in your skull next time. Y'know use them to see where people are standing." I shoved my finger in his face pointing to his eyes, causing him to jerk back and pull out his wand. Which resulted in both Sirius and James pulling out their wands as well.

"Oh, bloody hell," I mumbled, facepalming at the beginning of what was sure to be a mess. I slowly drew my wand as well, not that I knew many spells.

Remus nervously looked between the boys and the git, "Okay, c'mon guys. Is all of this really necessary?"

Just as the boy looked as if he were going to cast a spell, Evans called out to him. "Sev? Severus? Where did you go?"

Sirius, looking right angry, mocked him, "Yeah, go on Snivelly. Listen to your little friend."

Severus looked back at Lily and sighed, giving us an ugly-looking glare and jogging up to her. Seeing that the fight had passed, I shoved my wand back in my pocket.

"Firs' years! Firs' years over here!" A gigantic man with equally gigantic hair was calling out from where he stood, next to a little row of boats.

James, Remus, Sirius, and I walked towards the boats. Sirius walked next to me, looking rather sullen. We reached the row of boats and claimed one for the four of us, rocking it slightly as we each got in.

Once everyone was in a boat, they magically took off. The boats were gliding across the water with ease, giving us time to admire the beautiful scenery. All of a sudden, I heard a loud squeak and looked over at one of the other boats to see a round boy with light blonde hair fall over the side and straight into the lake. I couldn't help but giggle as the boy was promptly picked up and set back in his boat, after a fair amount of squealing of course. Once another 10 minutes had passed by, the boats had docked in an area nearby the front entrance. There a tall, stern-looking young woman stood; waiting for the arrival of her new students. We reached the entrance and James, Sirius, Remus, and I took a moment to smile at each other.

This. Is. It.

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