Next Time, Speak

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I was in the library admiring the shelves upon shelves of books, hiding away from the other Gryffindor first-years who wouldn't stop talking about my spell and how 'amazing' it was that I had cast it first try when barely anyone else could perform the spell by the end of class; they were all getting on my nerves. I picked out a book called Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them and settled down in a plush armchair towards the back of the library. I found myself lost in the creatures, merpeople, dragons, werewolves, and so many more; though I felt my breath catch as I read about werewolves, my encounter with Greyback coming back to me.


1971, August 16th

I was looking over my Hogwarts letter for the tenth time in the past few days; running my fingers over the edges of the worn paper and daydreaming about what it would be like to go. I knew it was futile to think this way, my father had already shouted and screamed until his voice was hoarse because I had asked and pleaded to go. My hand absently went to my cheek where he had slapped me multiple times for begging, saying I was weak and useless. I was to be homeschooled, trained, and made into another throwaway for the Dark Lord. I shivered, remembering the rigorous lessons I had already gone through this week, they were taking a toll on me; I had gotten thinner and my hair looked ratty and limp.

I jumped, hearing a crash from downstairs and a low growling voice shouting at someone. Curious, I went into the hallway and crept down the stairs, crouching low so that I wouldn't be caught listening.

A high-pitched voice that made my skin crawl was speaking, "If she can't even fight off the Imperius then what have you been teaching her? She should be able to at this point if you have been giving her lessons for the past two years as you claim."

"My lord, she's weak and witless; I've been trying my best with the girl but she's just not strong enough or powerful enough." My father was whimpering, a whiny tone in his voice as he spoke to this person.

My father held himself to a high status and made it a priority never to be weak, so why would he ever whimper? It made me freeze, feeling as if someone very dangerous was in the next room. Something clicked, the Dark Lord was in that room; that's who my father was speaking to. My blood ran cold as I realized they were talking about me; my father was lying, I only just started my lessons a month ago. I silenced my thoughts and focused on the conversation, finding it vitally important that I pay attention.

"Pity, I had high hopes for the girl... I thought she had power and would be useful." The Dark Lord drawled, I cringed as he spoke of me as if he had been watching me throughout my life. As if I were just a tool to be used and then thrown away, "Well, if she isn't useful in her... current state, why don't we make her useful." He paused.

"Greyback! Get in here, you're needed." The Dark Lord called out.

I crept farther down the stairs, hoping to catch a glimpse of the situation at hand. I saw the Dark Lord and, well, I was rather surprised with what I saw. He was tall and quite lanky, he had skin that almost looked to be white it was so pale, but besides these things he was rather handsome and seemed to command power. He looked to be in his early thirties and was wearing deep black robes with silver trimming, holding his wand lazily in one hand. My father was standing to his left, the color drained from his face and looking soberer than I had seen in months.

A man with slicked-back black hair that had grey running throughout it and scars running across his face and arms burst through, eating... was that raw meat? I shook it off, not thinking that anyone could physically eat raw meat; he looked young yet old at the same time. If I had not been looking at him closely I would've assumed that he was around sixty, but with closer inspection, I saw that he could only possibly be in his late thirties.

I Solemnly Swear: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now