I Wish

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Dear Fred,

It seems my silly school crush isn't quite over yet, but it'll be over soon. I'm sure of it. Again, I'm not sure why I'm writing a second letter, but I think it's a way to let my emotions out.

I see you and George made the Quidditch team. Beaters. Charlie's proud of you both, as he should. I can tell you'll help Gryffindor win the house cup, not that I care much for it. But, it obviously means a lot to you, so I'll care just the slightest bit.

Lee was thrilled when he got the commentary position, I knew he would be perfect for the job. He's funny, just like you and George. I'm happy to say that the three of you are my best friends; even if I'm not as funny or daring. But, you assured me that I was perfect the way I was. Which was more than enough to convince me.

I can't decide if I'm surprised that my crush on you hasn't vanished. You're very charming and humorous, but, school crushes don't usually last two years. Right? Perhaps I'm over thinking it, I tend to do that a lot.

I still do not understand why I'm writing these. Perhaps, they'll be useful one day. I'm not sure why. But, I decided against burning them. I supposed I'll keep them, as a reminder of my first school crush.


Letters ~ FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now