0. Prolouge

13 1 0

A young sixteen-year-old girl dressed in black frills and laces stands in her new classroom that she'll be taking lessons in from now on since her family had to move. The teacher settles down the class and introduces the new girl.

"This is Elysse Mccoy, she'll be joining us from now on. So make her feel welcomed"

The students look at her strangely since she is not wearing anything that they classify as normal.

The young student is wearing a black lacy headdress with a red roses on the side, a frilly black dress with a red rose standing out in the middle, with black and white checkered stockings, a cross chocker, and a pair of black Mary Jane lolita shoes.

The girl is dressed in an attire that is not at all meant for school but she didn't care.

It was lunchtime and everyone was secretly taking small glimpes of the strange girl as they were chatting along with there friends.

Elysse had placed down a tablecloth onto the lunch tables then took out a couple of things from her bag, two containers one filled with fruit and the other filled with a sandwich that was cut in half.

Lastly, she took out two items, one is her water bottle that held her tea, and the last item that made everyone think she was an oddball was a teacup and a little plate that was used to place the cup on.

Who would bring a teacup to school?

In that moment many of the other students decided she was too weird. Elysse's clothes were weird, the way she has lunch was weird. No one tried to understand Elysse and since Elysse was so different from the others, trouble would follow her.

Especially one girl who loves to give her trouble and that is Madison Hastings but Elysse knows how to handle girls like her.

Even though Madison may torment Elysse for being different yet sometimes different is good, you might catch someone's eye.

Finished: 10/15/2020

Edited: 1/14/2022

Published: 10/22/2020

Words: 336

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