8. Spoiled Tea

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"Why do you guy's still hang out with her If she acts like that?" 

They all turn their attention towards me and Aaron begin's explaining "We've all known each other since we were kids and Vida was there for us when we needed her the most." 

"But I think we all had spoiled her too much to the point where she can't defend herself and now we are trying to get her to fight on her own," adds Jasper.

"Well that's no way to do it" I mumble

Fighting for yourself is hard, especially when your opponent is somebody who is tougher and a lot bigger than you. At an early age, I found the type of certain clothes that I would really like to wear but I was bullied and made fun of for wearing them.

The kids called me black bo peep, Little miss death, girly emo, and witch. It had got to the point where my parents and my sister had gotten involved.

Sometimes my parents couldn't go so  Olivia had to fill in for them.

I remember a conversation that she had with the teacher. I was sitting down next to my sister with my head down. The teacher had her hands folded on the desk and my sister who knew about the bullying was pissed. Olivia was so angry that you could see the steam coming out of her ears. 

The teacher, Ms. Sullivan spoke first "Ms. Mccoy your sister hasn't been getting along with the class very well ever since she has started wearing those clothes. In fact, a little girl her age shouldn't be wearing dark colors like that, wouldn't brighter colors be better?"

My sister who was trying to stay calm was aggressively tapping her foot on the tile floor "Elysse could wear whatever she wants as long it's not inappropriate. I don't care if she wears polka-dotted or neon it's her choice" but I could tell it was only a matter of time before she burst.

"But the kids are picking on her, wouldn't it be better if she were to wear clothes that is less attention-grabbing," said Ms. Sullivan 

I knew it was only a matter of time before Ms. Sullivan added fuel to the fire and she did because my sister couldn't keep in her rage anymore.

"Are you saying it's her fault she is getting bullied?!" My sister sternly asks "No, I'm just say-" before Ms. Sullivan could finish Oliva interrupted her "My sister is not the problem! The problem here is your students, instead of talking to me or my parents you should be talking to their parents!" Oliva shouts. 

After that, we had left the classroom. Every time someone picked on me I would run to my sister and my sister would protect me but that all that stopped when she told me at some point I had to fight my own battles. I thought Oliva was abandoning me for a second but she told me she'll teach me how to handle those dreadful bullies. 

Little did she know, she was creating a monster. 

"Well, lord knows we have tried to get her to fight on her own," says Aaron

I guess they must have heard me

"Yeah, we even took our time to teach her how to fight but it was either she didn't show up or she said she had something to do" added Jasper

"Well, certainly you guys must've spoiled her rotten because it seems she just wants to play the damsel in distress" I reply

After the mess with Vida, we all went out to go eat. Now I love my tea and my homemade desserts but I'm down for some fast food. 

Me and the guys are going to Mcdonalds, we all are currently in Ace's car which I never knew he had. Jasper and Aaron are in the back seats while I'm in the front seat. Jasper called shotgun but Ace didn't want him in the front, Jasper pouted and called him whipped for not getting his way. 

What a baby.

"So how did you guys meet since I was one of the people who's last to know that finally, Ace is back in the game," says Jasper

"Well, if you really want to know he just came up to me during lunch and started a simple conversation then asked me if I wanted to go to this tea place," I said as if it's the most boring thing ever

"That's it?" Jasper shockingly asked. I nodded. "No, he swept me off my feet" or "As soon as I saw him I fell for him" he speaks in a feminine voice, well try's to. 

"Really" I raise my eyebrow, come on I'm not that sappy. I may have read a couple of romance books but the one where the protagonist just falls for the boy I'm done with reading it I'd rather drown myself than read something so cheesy. 

"Hey, I'm a romantic at heart. I'd like to impress a girl"

"Whatever" I mumble

Through the windshield, I see that we had finally made it. Ace parks first then we all get out. I walk up to the fast food place but Ace wraps his arm around me like I'm his girlfriend when that is never going to happen.

I try to get away but his grip on me is hard, as I'm trying to get away I hear an "Awww" in the back. I know exactly who it was so I turn to look at them and give them a very menacing glare. 

Jasper shrieks as if I will murder him and will bury him six feet under. I wish but sadly that's illegal.

Knowing that I can't escape from Ace's grip I give up.

When we go in I could feel the stares at me and they're all the same. They look at me as if I'm a fucking alien.

I just ignore it while looking at the menu wondering what to get.

Published: 12/17/2020

Words: 1012

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-fremy :3

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