5. Elysse

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We had finally made it to the Chado Tea and this place was elegant and nice. On the right there was a glass counter that displayed sweets and on the left there was shelves of containers labled with tea leafs.

When the waiter arrived they asked how many? I replied a table for two. He showed us to our tables and the server had also given us a booklet about tea and to not make myself look like a fool I may have looked a few things up yesterday.

Before I can sit down I pulled the chair out so Elysse can sit. Her eyes widen just a bit but her expression goes back to normal quick. Once she was seated I take my seat and sit down as well.

I get a glance at her while she is too focused on wondering what she wants. If I were to ever say that she looks like a porcelain doll, she wouldn't just give me her snarky comebacks she would kill me. Yet, it looks as if time has stopped and preserved her beauty only seeing that turning her into a doll was the only way.

I look at her short black hair, it is as dark as the night sky with a vibrant blue when the light hits upon it just right. Elysse's skin looks soft and smooth, like silk. Some people may think with the way she looks, she's God's precious angel but she is actually a sharp-tongued devil. Elysse's luscious red lips sure can burn you if you're not careful.

Elysse's blue doe eyes, you can get lost in them for they're the endless deep blue ocean that glisten when the sun hits them. Elysse is a very beautiful girl and no other guy was able to see that, all they see was the freak exterior that made them blind.

I have been interested in Elysse since Junior year when she had transferred to this school. Elysse may not remember but I was in one of her classes and at first, I also thought she was strange but her attitude really stirred something within me.

Elysse fought for what she liked and didn't give a rat's ass if anybody judged her especially from Madison. Lots of people are too scared to face Madison because she's got money and could ruin you with just a snap of her fingers. No one stood up to Madison until Elysse came along and she surely didn't stay quiet, she made it known that she wasn't going to suck up to her.

I've also noticed she doesn't really care to listen to rumors which I like, she just minds her own business and she's completely straightforward with you.

Due to my status, many girls want to be with me but it's definitely not for honest reasons. I have grown tired of the many girls I was with, just trying to play with me. So I gave up the relationships and played the same game as they did. Many of them were upset as soon as I was done with them but it's not as if they were innocent themselves.

I just kept to myself for a while but Elysse changed all that. I grew very curious enough to know more about her.

Elysse puts down the menu knowing already what she wants to eat, as I do too.

I call the waiter over and I casually tell him what we want, as if I had done this a thousand times. "We'll have the cherry sencha green tea and I'll have the Double Decadent Chocolate Cake" than Elysse tells the waiter what she wants "And I'll have the White Chocolate Raspberry cake"

The waiter leaves taking the booklet and our menus.

"Not bad" Elysse comments

I smile inwardly knowing that the little research I had done has paid off but It's sure going to be hell to win her.

I try to make small conversation but before I could even say a word Elysse beats me to it "Why do you want me to be your's so bad?" I then add on "I already said why"

"That's not enough" before she could say any more the waiter comes and brings the desserts and the tea we have ordered.

He settles down our desserts and placed the pot of tea down. With the teacups that have been already here since we arrived, I poured myself a cup and I poured for Elysse as well.

I know Elysse is irritated because of the way she jabs her fork into her cake.

She takes her fork and digs into her cake as I do the same and it is pretty good I take a sip of the tea first and the taste of cherries and chocolate swirl into my mouth

"This is quite good," she said as she munches on her cake "It's so much better than mine" Elysse takes a sip of the tea and from the reaction on her face, she's enjoying it.

Once we were finished I paid then we left. After that Elysse gave me instructions to get to her house but it took a while because she does not want to admit that she was bad at giving directions, we went in circles a couple of times.

Even though it was around five when we left it took us an hour to get to her house. Now it's seven, yet finally, I got her to our location.

"Did you have a good time?" I ask as I walk Elysse to her door

"It was ok but like I said you're wasting your time," she says as she crosses her arms

I grab her, wrapping my arm around her waist pulling her closer to me "I don't care, you'll be my girl"

she pushes me away, adjusting her hair "I doubt it, well anyways I have to go." she said while taking out her keys "Thanks for the tea"

She may thought she hid it but I saw the tint of red on her ears just like at her job.

"Elysse, you busy tomorrow?"

"No" she answers

"Good, keep it open" than I add on before leaving "I'll text you, bye"

"Bye" she turns around then goes into her home next thing I know I know I hear a big commotion coming from her home. Sounds as if they are teasing because I hear Elyssse shout "He is not my boyfriend!" I chuckle a bit as I get on my motorcycle.

Today was more than ok I think she actually enjoyed herself.

In order to claim Elysse, it is going to take a lot of work.

Finished: 10/28/2020

Edited: 1/15/2022

Published: 11/26/2020

Words: 1118

I hope all of you are having a wonderful time with family and have a Happy thanksgiving

-fremy :3

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