9. McDonald's and Wanting a sip of the "Tea"

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Once we had gotten what we wanted we all took a bite of our food. I had gotten a big mac with some fries and a drink along with some nuggets.

Now some of you may think what I had gotten is a lot but if you have seen what the guys got it seems that they're feeding an army altogether.

Aaron got a Quarter pounder combo along with two extra burgers and fries with an extra order of the 40 piece chicken nuggets.

Jasper had gotten a few of the buttermilk Mcchickens, a large coke, and a lot of fries with the 20 piece chicken nuggets.

Lastly, Ace, I could eat one or two big macs alone but he has three along with a quarter pounder and triple the amount of nuggets that Aaron has.

Now, I love food especially the desserts I make for me and my family but damn.

As I chew on my fry, Jasper smirks at Ace.

"Hey Ace, looks like someone's got competition. I saw what went down" Jasper wiggles his eyebrows, elbowing Ace

"Elysse how do you feel about it? It must be every girl's dream"

I raise my eyebrow, wondering what the fuck he is talking about. All I hear coming from him is nonsense.

"Oh come on, Elysse you have to know what went on. You were practically the cause of it"

"The cause of what?"

I continue to munch on my food trying to figure out what I did? All I did was order my food, there's nothing special about that.

"Come on, don't give me that look Elysse you know what went down." Jasper continues to look at me like I lost my marbles or something, he sighs "Fine, the cashier guy was checking you out but Mr. Whipped over here was glaring at him to fuck off."

"Jasper, I doubt it. All the people stare at me as if I'm a strange specimen from mars." I then add "The only people who look at me that way is the skirt-chaser who has no intelligence whatsoever from school and this dipshit right here," I say taking another bite from my fry.

"Damn, Elysse I didn't know you were so popular" he chuckles. Is he even hearing me right now or does he need to clean all the shit from his ears that his ass is wishing to spew out right now.

"I want to bang my head against a wall" I comment.

"So I know there is more to it then that story of how you guys met" Continues Jasper

"Jasper" I pause, his head turns towards me at the mention of his name. "Stop putting your nose where it doesn't belong before I play the "I got your nose game" only you literally won't be getting it back."

"Ok and, I'm not a toddler anymore" not being bothered by my threat.

"Jasper dear, you don't get it do you." I smile. "How will you impress the girls when your face has a giant bloody hole in it."

His eyes widen, finally figuring out what I'm implying.

That's better.

Jasper faces towards his lunch and doesn't eat anymore when he still has a lot to finish. Awww, poor baby, I think he lost his appetite.

I smirk and continue eating my food.

"Ace, what do you see in this woman? She's scary" says Jasper

Ace doesn't say anything and just eats a nugget but on the other hand, Aaron opens his mouth and says "That was all on you dude, you didn't want to butt out. Leave the happy couple alone"


"Aaron," I say irritated "Me and your friend here are not a couple" I smile.

"Uh-huh" ignoring my statement.

Can I just bash my fist into his face, just this once.

I gobble up my food aggressively. I eat up the remaining fries and got up to throw away my trash as I did that a couple of girls walked in and soon as they saw me they giggled and I hear one of their comments "Oh my god, What is she wearing? Is she going to a fancy funeral or something"

My hand-formed into a fist. I try to calm myself down while just ignoring them, heading towards the guys.

They had just finished their food. Well except for Jasper. Poor guy, I wonder what ruined his appetite.

"After this, how about we hit the arcade, it's been a while," says Jasper

"Sure, I still haven't beaten you Ace in Dance Dance Revolution," said Aaron

Ace smirks then nods agreeing to go. Then Ace and the others look at me for approval.

I shrug "Whatever, it's not like I have anything better to do"

"Well, that settles it than"

The guys get up grabbing their trash, throwing it away. While Jasper took his to go.

As we leave the place, Ace once again wraps his arm around me bringing me close. I would love to get his arm off of me but what's the use when his hold is strong.

I then also hear the same group of girls and one of them comments "Hey, look at that guy over there he is so handsome"

"Yeah, just look at that strong jawline," says one

"But look at his arm, I'm guessing that's his girlfriend"

"Ugh, what does he see in her"

Maybe instead of bashing Aaron's face in I could bash in theirs because they are getting on my nerves.

Finished: 12/18/2020

Published: 12/ 24/2020

Words: 924

Merry Chrismas eve ^U^

I hope all of you have a good time with your families

Make sure to eat lots of good food and open all da presents 

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-fremy :3

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